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Re: Most Wanted 2012 - Users reviews

Posted: 16 Nov 2012, 02:41
by Hydro_PT
Well I know this has nothing to do with this topic, but anyway, I need to let this out. :\

I ordered the game (Limited Edition), only to find out later that day that the store no longer sends items to my country. Also, that was not the LE, but the normal edition (I would pay for the LE though, but I would not receive the LE). P*ssed off, I decided to try yesteraday. Today, they also told me they have cancelled my order because the LE is no longer available, nor the normal edition of Most Wanted PC.

I mean... WTF! I've never had this problem before. :( Anyone knows a good store, with a good price, for Most Wanted? Limited Edition if possible. Something around 38€, which was the price I would pay.

I could buy at, but it's very expensive, +44€.

Re: Most Wanted 2012 - Users reviews

Posted: 16 Nov 2012, 09:48
by Bojan

Re: Most Wanted 2012 - Users reviews

Posted: 16 Nov 2012, 10:21
by Demon_Slayer723
After reading some of the reviews here I've decided to try my luck with getting it for Christmas, if I don't I'll see if I can get it soon after.

Re: Most Wanted 2012 - Users reviews

Posted: 16 Nov 2012, 22:41
by Danyutz
YaelDjiel wrote: how can you escape within 2,5mins in this?!
Here's how I did it in 39s!

As you gain control, turn right and then NOS it all the way straight until you get an opening on the right (in the building with a long corridor, which leads to the same spot where you initially start the race) - try to hide there(in the corridor) - at this point you should of entered cooldown - stop the car and STOP the engine(press "i") - which coolsdown FAST!

Re: Most Wanted 2012 - Users reviews

Posted: 17 Nov 2012, 22:28
by zedex
OH! "I" button shuts engine down immediately?!

I'll try that next time...

Re: Most Wanted 2012 - Users reviews

Posted: 24 Nov 2012, 21:29
by Hydro_PT
I finally finished SP 100%. It took me around 18 hours to do it. I still have some races to finish, but the game already says "100% completion". I was lucky with the security gates and billboards. :D Two of the gates were bugged and didn't register, so I was left with 133/135. I decided to finish the billboards and come back to the security gates later. While searching for the billboards, I saw two intact security gates. I went through both and bang, 135 gates smashed! :mrgreen: The billboards were easier, I found the last one without any problem, but some of them are also kinda bugged and don't always register the jump. Speed cameras and jackspots were easy to find with the help of maps.

If you enjoy this kind of challenges, then the SP in MW is definitely worth it. I guess I will reach 22 hours of gameplay once all races are done.

Re: Most Wanted 2012 - Users reviews

Posted: 25 Nov 2012, 21:34
by junior6at
Online multiplayer didn't do anything for me. I'm of the opinion that multiplayer is only as good as the people you play with. Joining a lobby with a bunch of randoms isn't how I like to enjoy my free time, especially when I have to constantly hide from all the rammers so that I can bring up Easydrive.

I was thinking of becoming competitive with this game, but now I don't think I'll bother.

Re: Most Wanted 2012 - Users reviews

Posted: 25 Nov 2012, 21:49
by Hydro_PT
@junior6at: Check this out: ... 69&t=21410 :)

If you race with people from here, I think you have a good chance of enjoying the game. I like to crash others too and troll a bit, and this game really pushes you into doing that, but I don't exaggerate. If someone is not enjoying it, I will simply stop and do something else. So if you want some proper races, you can add me. As soon as I have my game, I will go online. SP has nothing more to give now that I've got 100%...

Re: Most Wanted 2012 - Users reviews

Posted: 25 Nov 2012, 23:04
by junior6at
I'm on PS3. Yeah I agree, it's better to play with players you know. I don't mind the trolling, that's how we have to unlock mods and milestones anyway, so I gotta deal with it. I just wish there was some way we can be invincible when we bring up Easydrive, but on the other hand I can see people abusing that. I believe that this was Criterion's intention; we all have to be on our toes at all times. :)

I have a question though, when we unlock concours, does that affect single player mods and milestones? Or is this just for multiplayer?

Re: Most Wanted 2012 - Users reviews

Posted: 25 Nov 2012, 23:27
by Hydro_PT
I thought you were on the PC. :(

Re: Most Wanted 2012 - Users reviews

Posted: 25 Nov 2012, 23:35
by junior6at
Sorry, I'd love to play you Hydro, or anyone from NFSUnlimited. Seems like everyone's doing their own thing.

Btw, I just unlocked my first concour. It doesn't affect single player progression, so that's good.

I'll probably give my second impressions soon as my perspective for this game greatly changed.

Re: Most Wanted 2012 - Users reviews

Posted: 26 Nov 2012, 16:36
by zedex
progression between single and multi player is completely separate... I think...
unless single player can bring some unlocks to multiplayer (since I got a few unlocks without me realizing)

Re: Most Wanted 2012 - Users reviews

Posted: 26 Nov 2012, 17:10
by GT3x24x7
Yup, MP cars are unlocked depending on your SP level.

Re: Most Wanted 2012 - Users reviews

Posted: 27 Nov 2012, 06:58
by junior6at
We can increase our Speed level purely through singleplayer if we wanted to. That's how I reached level 71 and unlocked concours.

Online cars can be unlocked through SP or MP. Except for the Focus ST, that has an online requirement.

What's separate between SP and MP are the milestones and unlocking mods. And also license plates that aren't tied to your Speed level.

I might be mistaken here, but I think the SP milestones for the time you spent with a car (1 hour, 3 hours, 10 hours) also counts online. I'll have to check this out next time I join a public game.

Re: Most Wanted 2012 - Users reviews

Posted: 28 Nov 2012, 02:36
by Hydro_PT
It wouldn't make much sense, in my opinion, to limit the SP progress to the SP part of the game. I mean, whoever wants to jump to MP and never play SP should be able to unlock all cars and mods in MP, but for those who enjoy SP, you should be able to carry the progress with you. At least the unlocked cars and SpeedPoints. I know the Ford Focus ST is a MP-exclusive car, and so is the Dodge Charger SRT-8 if you have a Slim Jim code, but all other 41 cars should be already unlocked in MP if you have unlocked/found them in SP.

The guys at shipped my game Sunday, so I expect it to arrive until Friday. I will log in for the first time and see what my SpeedLevel is. I currently have about 3 000 000 SpeedPoints, but I still have some cars to finish. The ones I enjoy the least. That includes the Tesla, I hate the sound of that car! Because it's electric, all you hear is a "bzzzz"... --' I'm not sure if I will finish all 5 events with it. :mrgreen:

Re: Most Wanted 2012 - Users reviews

Posted: 28 Nov 2012, 14:21
by Navid_A1
Hydro_PT wrote:...
That includes the Tesla, I hate the sound of that car! Because it's electric, all you hear is a "bzzzz"... --' I'm not sure if I will finish all 5 events with it. :mrgreen:
ever wondered how one can equip the tesla with nitrous and long/short gears ? :lol:

Re: Most Wanted 2012 - Users reviews

Posted: 28 Nov 2012, 14:44
by Navid_A1

have you guys seen this:

i can not test it cause i don't have NFS:MW

Re: Most Wanted 2012 - Users reviews

Posted: 02 Dec 2012, 10:01
by okuhle94
I bought the limited edition copy for PC. I have been playing the game, 52 Hours so far. I'm enjoying the game, much better than NFS The Run. I liked the Single player mode, despite it not having much of a story line, its still really good. Online, the game is good, It carries over your SP from single player to there.

Cars that I have enjoyed using are the Lamborghini Aventador, Mercedes Benz SL65 AMG, BAC Mono and the Ford Raptor. Weren't there suppose to be Hummer cars in the game?

Re: Most Wanted 2012 - Users reviews

Posted: 04 Dec 2012, 10:51
by junior6at
Alright I know most of us have made up our minds on how we feel about this game. Having played online and offline extensively, my feelings for MW2012 went from lukewarm, to addicting, but ended with frustration. Putting personal tastes aside, this would've been a solid game had they not released such a bugfested broken product.

Before getting into all of that, I will start with the positives that I later began to appreciate as I kept on playing.

The Easydrive menu - switching cars during gameplay without exiting out is genius. I find myself switching cars much more often now that there is little loading time between the switch; and because of this I can never go back to the old way of exiting out to a garage ever again. Easydrive is just brilliant, never expected that I'd like this feature.

Singleplayer replayability was a major concern with me. With MW2012, you can beat all the MW drivers in 2 days or so. However, how long the game takes to "complete" is up to you. Autolog is always there to remind you of what you have to do to make it to the top of your friends list. Be it billboards, speed cams, speedwalls, or the MW list, it really is up to you what you want to do and how long you want to play. So really the replayability depends on the player, and of course how many of your friends are willing to stay competitive.

Most Wanted Races
Another aspect I don't think anyone here mention yet is the fact that Most Wanted races can be replayed with any car you desire. The major problem that I had with Criterion's last game was how restricting the SP events were. Now it still is the same case with the regular events in MW2012, but at least with the Most Wanted races we can freely choose any car, meaning we can make the races as easy or difficult as we want. I've always been an advocate of the idea of letting the players choose how they want to play, whether through custom races like the older NFS games had or whatever, just give us options to customize our races to our liking. So for that I'm thankful, even if it's just 10 races.


Now on with the negatives.

Performance Issues
I'm going to go straight into it - the game needs to be fixed. All the issues weren't apparent to me until I started unlocking faster vehicles and decided to play online. It has been mentioned in other threads so I'm not gonna reiterate it, although I will say the freezes and the game not rendering the road fast enough occurs repeatedly in specific places. 9 times out of 10, especially if you use a fast car it will happen. Absolutely terrible for such a game that's known as one of the most popular racing games out there and is played worldwide. Frame rate drops is also common on the PS3 side.

Online Gameplay
Online also has its share of issues. At least on the PS3, if you join in the middle of an ongoing speedlist (as in not during intermission) when you complete the speedlist your effing system will freeze all the time.

Online has its moments, but generally I find it a mess. Team races and regular races have no starting grid, so after the count down you blast out of the meet up spot like lunatics. So as far as being competitive goes, to put it simply, it sucks, I wouldn't bother. It feels more like a hangout more than anything else, so just trololololol away; that's the nature of online gameplay, thanks Criterion. :roll:

It isn't all bad though. Some of the challenges are quite fun and very much a welcome break from the typical races. I can see myself enjoying online more if I were playing with actual friends and not in a random lobby full of kids who always race with Veyrons and Aventadors.


In a nutshell, yes I enjoy the game, more so than a month ago. Most of the recent NFS games tend to give me a lukewarm first impression, but eventually they begin to grow on me, and this was certainly the case with MW2012. Is it perfect? Hell no, not by a long shot. IMO all the performance issues are what's holding it back from being decent. My distaste for the online gameplay is just me, I'm sure there are those out there that'll get a kick out of it.

With all that being said, before they even think about milking this game with DLC, please, fix it first. Until they release a patch, I'm going to take a break at least from online. There's still much to do in singleplayer, and I've already reached 100% progress. Anyone on the fence, if you want my opinion, I say wait until they fix the game. As of now it's simply unplayable.

Re: Most Wanted 2012 - Users reviews

Posted: 05 Dec 2012, 02:31
by Hydro_PT
My copy arrived today. :D

I just tried multiplayer and it is a lot of fun, even with the slow cars you get at the beginning.

I was worried, though, because the savegame I had wasn't working, the game started from the beginning everytime I tried to use my SP savegame (which has all cars unlocked, plus 100% completion). However, I got it working! I noticed that inside the savegame folder, I had a folder named "0", and another named with a bunch of what look like random numbers (example: "1234567"). I copied the two files inside the "0" folder to the other one and BANG! It worked, I have all my progress + lots of SP + 59 SpeedLevel. YEAH! :D