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help pics size

Posted: 03 Jan 2006, 22:27
by corvyz6
how on earth do u lower u're pics size?? i know about lowering u're resolution and the quality, but it doens't work very good! anymore things 2 do? thx

Posted: 03 Jan 2006, 22:30
by prince1142003
depends what kind of picture it is. for JPEGs saving them as progressive instead of the other one will usually cut the size in half

Posted: 03 Jan 2006, 22:45
by corvyz6
i've tried it! dosn't work 2 good! i did that 2 a pis of 120x100 and i put it low at the pics quality and it still has 33k and i want it below 25k!

Posted: 03 Jan 2006, 22:56
by prince1142003
well, there's the problem... 1200x1000 pics wont come down to below 25K. not unless you drastically reduce quality. anything over 1024 pizels wide won't reduce down that much, especially if it's a NFS screenshot. i find 800x600 works best for screenies.

Posted: 03 Jan 2006, 23:08
by Tunerfreak
Take the pics at full reso, then resize them to 800x600 then save them as jpg and turn down the jpg quality until its the size you want. If the quality gets too low, change it too 400x300 etc.

Posted: 04 Jan 2006, 02:35
by corvyz6
guys, the pic is 120x100 not 1200x1000

Posted: 04 Jan 2006, 02:40
by Serbiandude
when u save it save it under high

Posted: 04 Jan 2006, 03:07
by corvyz6
Serbiandude wrote:when u save it save it under high
already tried that, but i found another way, by making it .gif!

Posted: 04 Jan 2006, 05:38
by ApAtHy
i find that opening your picture with ms paint then saving it as a jpeg reduces the size heaps! try that.

Posted: 04 Jan 2006, 12:54
by GT3x24x7
ApAtHy wrote:i find that opening your picture with ms paint then saving it as a jpeg reduces the size heaps! try that.
That's because MSPaint uses an absolutely horrendous JPEG compression factor that completely destroys image quality along the way.

Posted: 04 Jan 2006, 15:02
by ApAtHy
oh ok :S it looks the same to me...