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Any way to edit the starting position?

Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 04:33
by TruSake
I'm playing ProStreet and the game always starts me up in the last position for a race, and it gets very frustrating trying to pass 7 cars in front of me when they're all crashing into me.
I've only seen one race where the game puts me in first position.
Any way to use hex or something like it, to make the game put me in first position rather than last?

Re: Any way to edit the starting position?

Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 04:58
by prince1142003
It's a skill trying to get into first place. Besides, it's not like it's very difficult, and the minor scratches and damages can be easily ignored as they have little to no effect on performance.

Re: Any way to edit the starting position?

Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 05:08
by TruSake
I'm trying to break the records, which means if I was first on the start-up line I would have better time and no damage, which also means more points and records broken.

The game must have some sort of code that puts the player in last position, because as I mentioned before it's been in first position before.

Re: Any way to edit the starting position?

Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 07:32
by prince1142003
There have been several attempts at hacking the starting position, but nothing definitive has come out of them. Just bear with it.

Re: Any way to edit the starting position?

Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 22:39
by scoobeephantom
dude they place you by who has the best chance of winning, the lower your chances of winning are the farther ahead in the start you are

Re: Any way to edit the starting position?

Posted: 08 Jul 2008, 04:48
by TruSake
ok dude, then explain this, how come there's only been ONE race when I was first and I was the fastest car there?
how come on other races I have the least horsepower and yet I'm LAST??

Plus your answer doesn't help much at all for two reasons
1) because is just not true. Maybe you're thinking about another game, I'm playing ProStreet. and
2) I NEED to be the fastest car to beat the RECORDS, even if it was true what you were saying, how could I possible beat the record if I'm the slowest?

PLEASE I am not looking for advice! If I was I would've put this on the help section
This is the EDIT section, if anyone knows how to edit the starting position, then let me know.