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Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 12:12
by reputated
So it's finally out! what do you think about it?

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 13:29
by Kaerar
In a word - Crap.

In more than one word - Utter #*$Y&(#$%&) Crap.

Glad I didn't pay for this as it has to be the worst elements of Pro Street combined with Most Wanted. Even the colouration is the same as MW. Thing is MW was semi-fun, yet this is just boring. Wish I could say something positive but the only thing is that it has a couple of nice looking cars. Even they aren't outstanding! Plus shame of shame the most horrendous reflections are put in again. The metallic paint looks like it was made for Vista Aero FFS. I dread to think what the Chrome paint would look like...

The tracks are all well open (like 2 or 3 corners you have to lift off or brake for), and they even had the gall to suggest Pro Street was more simulation compared to this being more arcade. PS was total arcade so what the hell is this!!! A pity since the car lineup is actually impressive.

Ah well rant over. Going to write some legal documents as they are more fun than the game...

P.S. I forgot to mention the music. ITS CRAP.

This game is HORRIBLE!

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 16:32
by kimd41
Seriously, this game is HORRIBLE! It runs like a firetruck crap, it always has black lines crossing the screen, HUGE pop-up, objects dont show unless I hit them. I'm able to run Crysis stable and this shiznit doesn't even pass the 40fps.... And no, it's not my computer, I run all games fine.

EDIT: I just returned it and got it for "free".

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 16:45
by Andre_online
Oh, I am so surprised to hear this! :I

I was being sarcastic.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 16:47
by T0MMY
is it true that this game is so bad some of them says it was awsome

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 16:50
by Bekim
you can tell ea couldn't be arsed making a proper game cause this is a piece of S@#t...bring back the days of high stakes, hot pursuit 2 and underground 2 i say

very dissapointed

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 17:00
by vZv
What's wrong with this stupid graphics engine, it suck all resources of comp and looks worse than that in RaceDriver:GRID, wich was super cool and optimised. What's wrong with EA :evil: !!!?? I'm tired of they attempts to sell us same boring crap every year, if I'm going to get new NFS I will get it "free" first and if It won't blow, but I'm shure it will blow, I might get license. Sorry EA, you pissed me off too much this year !!!

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 17:38
by ahmad0410
Come on. Where's all the fake hypes? lol. Its the same thing again. You guys hate EA but still play their games?
You guys are asking for too much. You wanted Most Wanted 2. Here it is. And you're still not happy. See? You guys want free roam open world, here it is, and no one even mentions about how big it is. You guys want cops, here it is, and what? And some guy here talked about chrome? They improve how chrome looked like.

Cops, MW2, free-roam; you got all you want and still not happy about it.

It will continue to be like this till EA make a 3D pop up from the screen game where u can open the 3D door and close it and drive it. And I don't get the "bring back the old stuffs back" part. You want an MS-Dos or Windows 98 game? Ugly graphics and oollldd cars. No tuners? No bodykits? Or am i getting it wrong here? :?:

For me, the game isn't that bad, there was some framerate issues but hey, its not unplayable. And definitely an improvement from prostreet.

I suggest you guys get together, cooperate and create a new NFS Franchise. Get a licence from EA. I'm sure the game will go haywire with different stuffs put together.

Anyway just my opinions.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 19:06
by kimd41
ahmad0410 wrote:Come on. Where's all the fake hypes? lol. Its the same thing again. You guys hate EA but still play their games?
You guys are asking for too much. You wanted Most Wanted 2. Here it is. And you're still not happy. See? You guys want free roam open world, here it is, and no one even mentions about how big it is. You guys want cops, here it is, and what? And some guy here talked about chrome? They improve how chrome looked like.

Cops, MW2, free-roam; you got all you want and still not happy about it.

It will continue to be like this till EA make a 3D pop up from the screen game where u can open the 3D door and close it and drive it. And I don't get the "bring back the old stuffs back" part. You want an MS-Dos or Windows 98 game? Ugly graphics and oollldd cars. No tuners? No bodykits? Or am i getting it wrong here? :?:

For me, the game isn't that bad, there was some framerate issues but hey, its not unplayable. And definitely an improvement from prostreet.

I suggest you guys get together, cooperate and create a new NFS Franchise. Get a licence from EA. I'm sure the game will go haywire with different stuffs put together.

Anyway just my opinions.
On PC is IS unplayable. The game runs like firetruck crap, black lines all over, invisible objects, crap map. I have a 8800GT, all games are perfect, except this shiznit. Don't believe me? See it for yourself, I'm playing it at MAX settings at 1280x1024.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 19:22
by zedex
that was definitely NOT max settings...

but NFS games had tendency to be very choppy with my new system... while any other very demanding games run VERY smoothly

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 20:08
by kimd41
zedex wrote:that was definitely NOT max settings...

but NFS games had tendency to be very choppy with my new system... while any other very demanding games run VERY smoothly
IT IS MAX SETTINGS! WHy would I lie? To make EA look more bad? To bash the new game? Yes, it looks like it's not max settings because it looks firetruck up.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 20:08
by YaelDjiel
kimd41 wrote:On PC is IS unplayable. The game runs like firetruck crap, black lines all over, invisible objects, crap map. I have a 8800GT, all games are perfect, except this shiznit. Don't believe me? See it for yourself, I'm playing it at MAX settings at 1280x1024.
looks like a nice outdated driver or so :D
thats definitely not normal anyway

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 20:13
by Nitrodemon McLaren
ProStreet on my computer also looks kinda choppy, should check the settings...

Anyway, back on Undercover, I can't believe why you're all bashing it. Carbon in 2006 wasn't really positive, ProStreet in 2007 received really negative comments and now Undercover is being bashed more.

Although that screenshot does look ugly indeed... outdated graphics, etc.

I'll have to see for myself though.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 20:15
by t3ice
Here are some screenies ive got for yous :D

ImageImage ImageImage ImageImage ImageImage

EDIT : I just checked the graphic settings..everything is high but antialiasing was at 2x #-o .. and i havent noticed alot of frame rate issues issues so fay :-k

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 20:18
by korge

Ive been scouring reading and watching reviews of this game and I MUST say. Im not surprised at another NFS failure.

Major points I see.
  • Extremely bad acting to string together a story.
    Same cartoony graphics since Most Wanted.
    Poor optimization leaves PS3 and PC on poor framerates.
    Same boring, easy, tedious racing as found in Carbon.
    Drive into the glaring sunset forever.
    $60? Ill take GTA4 thanks.
Once again, EA fails to actually make a new game, just another couple more $million. Do yourself as the consumer a favor and show EA that we cant be tricked into buying garbage. Sales stunk on ProStreet, and they said they would go back to their roots (by re-releasing most wanted? i dunno) but not enough to make them change. You are the paying consumer. Make your franchise deliver!!!

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 20:21
by Andre_online
t3ice wrote:Here are some screenies ive got for yous :D
EDIT : I just checked the graphic settings..everything is high but antialiasing was at 2x #-o .. and i havent noticed alot of frame rate issues issues so fay :-k
Put it to x4. I wanna see how it looks like. From what I can see now, the shadows are horrid.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 20:23
by Nitrodemon McLaren
t3ice wrote:Here are some screenies ive got for yous :D

ImageImage ImageImage ImageImage ImageImage

EDIT : I just checked the graphic settings..everything is high but antialiasing was at 2x #-o .. and i havent noticed alot of frame rate issues issues so fay :-k
Well that looks much better...

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 20:27
by prince1142003
I'll still reserve my judgement. I've read/heard a lot of reviewers complain about a horrid/corny story, but was MW's story any less corny or nonsensical? Same with MW's solar glare; it was often a distraction and I never heard people complain. And I can't find anything wrong with the graphics; they're very Most Wanted-ish, except for the shadow errors.

For me, it'll all come down to gameplay - how the cars feel, how challenging the game is, what improvements have been made since the last open world NFS. With that in mind, I have to admit things don't look so good. What's the point of an open world if you can't drive to races? Or are restricted to a preset path during races? Or there's hardly any traffic on the road?

But those are still other people's opninions. I won't say anything positive or negative about the game till I try it out myself.

Sadly, I won't get a chance to try out Undercover till mid December. I don't have my gaming rig with me at college.

Then again, I might decide to save up for Diablo 3.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 20:39
by t3ice
@Andre : I did one better, set antialiasing to 6x :D

Shadows are still crappy :? ..although the game runs at about 60 - 70 fps, and both my cards don't seem to be heated up by much.. :-k

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Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 20:46
by Nitrodemon McLaren
All in all I'd say they're acceptable despite the choppy shadows...

Also the two Cadillac and Audi in the garage have graphic flaws.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 20:46
by kimd41
Well what are your specs?

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 20:56
by t3ice
Gah this is really pissing me off now..
Thw shadows are trees are horrible, and all the setting are maxxed :?


EDIT : I ran the game with a single GTX260 and that got about 45-50 fps, but raised the temperature a little more.

Specs: C2D 8500 @ 4ghz, 4 GB ram, 2xGTX260 core216 SLI'd.

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 21:19
by korge
t3ice wrote:Gah this is really pissing me off now..
Thw shadows are trees are horrible, and all the setting are maxxed :?
Ever wonder if thats just how the game is then? :-k

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 22:09
by zedex
t3ice wrote:@Andre : I did one better, set antialiasing to 6x :D

Shadows are still crappy :? ..although the game runs at about 60 - 70 fps, and both my cards don't seem to be heated up by much.. :-k

ImageImage ImageImage ImageImage ImageImage
now THAT is more max setting-ish...

i'll try it out myself maybe tomorrow... can't play at school with a laptop =b

i hope my HD4850 can match that...

the shadows, i always thought NFS games were that bad... o.o or did i play too much carbon and underground 2? *night driving no shadows* and forgot about the most wanted? *i haven't played it in 3 years... something with directx installation error when i tried to reinstall so i gave up trying*

besides, i always played with "world" set to low or very low o.o until only very recently because i just got my new computer the past month... and before if i didn't do so, it'll lag VERY MUCH and is also the reason i never got to play Pro Street ... my computer simply refused to run it... i got the demo and was going at 0.3fps literally...

so... i'm still having my hopes up... just hoping it won't let me down... but with all the reviews, i don't think i can be disappointed... i already have a very low bar set up for it

Re: Your views of NFS UNDERCOVER

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 23:02
by SonicTH228
Increasingly aggravated. I don't believe I'm saying this but I don't think I'll like this game.

I'm most frustrated with the control on the PC version. Unless later cars are better for handling, the control in this game is absolutely terrible. Your car swings back and forth for no reason and it's almost impossible to drive in a straight line.

I guess the gameplay is okay but I think it may get boring. But since the control is so awful right now I don't know how motivated I'll be to keep going.

And to think I was considering buying a console version of this.