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NFS Undercover Money HexEdit

Posted: 23 Nov 2008, 12:25
by GreyMan
I've found the addresses for the hex-editing of money. I used ArtMoney Pro 7.29.1
There are 3 addresses that are linked and they are of type: R. Integer 3 Bytes
The addresses are: 003E256C ; 012A3E90 ; 012C8B9C
P.S. in the search process I had earlier discovered two other addresses quite similar ( 012A3E91 ; 012C8B9D ) but the ones I provided remain unchanged for me :) ..
Happy Money Editing in Undercover!
P.P.S. I suggest going for 900000 and freezing the money :D .. have not tried using values greater than that :) ..
Please do share your experiences in editing :D

Re: NFS Undercover Money HexEdit

Posted: 23 Nov 2008, 15:52
by GreyMan
P.P.P.S. I now see that the first address that I provided has changed, just make sure the type is R.Integer 3 byte and the other two addresses are the 012***** ones :D

Re: NFS Undercover Money HexEdit

Posted: 23 Nov 2008, 17:56
by Carcrazy
I'll definitely try this before the day is over. :wink:

Other than that, can't help you for another two hours... :P

Re: NFS Undercover Money HexEdit

Posted: 23 Nov 2008, 22:00
by Carcrazy
Just, forget all this... :lol:

Re: NFS Undercover Money HexEdit

Posted: 24 Nov 2008, 01:09
by Albtraum
for me, none of the funky stuff above was needed.
just searched for my money value with 3byte reverse byte order and got these addresses:
Value1: 012A3DFB
Value2: 056A24D7
Value3: 0741C7B5

changing value1 provided no result ingame, but changes with value2
changed value2 - bingo! and no freezing needed :D
value 3 remains at the value i searched for and is therefore obsolete.
CarCrazy wrote:Which is a type: R. Integer 2 bytes

For some reason, if I put the value above EXACTLY 32767, the game will read Zero dollars for cash.
Thats because 32767 is the maximum for 2byte signed values. ;) everything above that will overflow into the 3rd byte.

Money is a 3byte value as it seems - no wonder i couldn't find a matching 4byte value :lol:
thanks for pointing this out, GreyMan! =D>

edit: maximum value is 07FFFF = 8.388.607$ - should be enough :twisted:

Re: NFS Undercover Money HexEdit

Posted: 24 Nov 2008, 03:10
by Carcrazy
Haha... I look like a total n00b. :lol: :cry:

My problem is since I had just started (rather restarted, didn't want to edit my normal savegame,) I didn't have enough money for a 3 byte address, so when I tried to increase it it wouldn't ever work. So I set it to 32767 then just went and ran a race, what do you know... money in the bank baby. 8)

Re: NFS Undercover Money HexEdit

Posted: 27 Nov 2008, 04:40
by FrankieGthang

Re: NFS Undercover Money HexEdit

Posted: 05 Dec 2008, 07:37
by dalamar23666
I hate to post this cause I feel real stupid for it but I am missing something I know it. I have hex edited before and understand it pretty much. I understand the number values etc. I have used art in game to try and find the money like and I can't find it. When I search for my reverse 3 bit number I get like 90. When I spend some money, convert the new amount to hex and then search for the reverse 3 bit I get 75 or so. NONE of them repeat. I wrote down every single hex reference to compare to see if there was one that repeated. Yes I am doing this while the game is running. The other thing I did was to add them all to the column on the right and then make a purchase and look for the ones with the change in the hex. There were 4 that changed. But the numbers they changed to were nowhere near what they should have been for the hex value of the amount I had spent. They were WAY WAY to high. One converted out to being just shy of a billion and I know for a fact I did not gain that much by spending money. Where am I going wrong here? Also, how did you guys only get three results?

My process
Open art. Open NFS.
Alt tab back to art and chose NFS from the program list at the top.
Convert my in game money amount to a hex code, it has been 4 digits.
Do a search in art for that hex code in reverse 3 bit.
Copy all the values to the right side of the window.
Go back in game and spend some money.
Look for a change in the values on the right side.

By the way I am using the standard microsoft calculator and starting in degrees and then just clicking the bullet into hex.

Re: NFS Undercover Money HexEdit

Posted: 05 Dec 2008, 09:43
by Bytesss
dalamar23666 wrote:I hate to post this cause I feel real stupid for it but I am missing something I know it. I have hex edited before and understand it pretty much. I understand the number values etc. I have used art in game to try and find the money like and I can't find it. When I search for my reverse 3 bit number I get like 90. When I spend some money, convert the new amount to hex and then search for the reverse 3 bit I get 75 or so. NONE of them repeat. I wrote down every single hex reference to compare to see if there was one that repeated. Yes I am doing this while the game is running. The other thing I did was to add them all to the column on the right and then make a purchase and look for the ones with the change in the hex. There were 4 that changed. But the numbers they changed to were nowhere near what they should have been for the hex value of the amount I had spent. They were WAY WAY to high. One converted out to being just shy of a billion and I know for a fact I did not gain that much by spending money. Where am I going wrong here? Also, how did you guys only get three results?

My process
Open art. Open NFS.
Alt tab back to art and chose NFS from the program list at the top.
Convert my in game money amount to a hex code, it has been 4 digits.
Do a search in art for that hex code in reverse 3 bit.
Copy all the values to the right side of the window.
Go back in game and spend some money.
Look for a change in the values on the right side.

By the way I am using the standard microsoft calculator and starting in degrees and then just clicking the bullet into hex.
Here's an alternate method that you may want to try. Download CheatEngine v5.4 ( , install it and use it to open NFSUC process. Open the memory viewer in Cheatengine and go to 7E6B30 in the upper window. Right click on 7E6B30 and set a breakpoint (toggle breakpoint) then go to the shop in the game and pull up a car. The game should freeze when your money is accessed. Hit the Windows key (or ALT+TAB) and go back to Cheatengine. EAX should contain the address of your money. Close the memory window in Cheatengine to unfreeze the game.

This screenshot shows that my money is at 3EC2568.


After you have your money address go to that address in lower memory window and edit your 3 byte money value. Then go back to the game and sell a car then save (very important step).

Re: NFS Undercover Money HexEdit

Posted: 13 Dec 2008, 12:40
by seth28
It's not working,i open art money then nfs undercover,i go back in art.......i write the money (8167)and i found 14 adress,i spend some money and then is founding more adress,how do i know witch to edit,for me is not working to change the money

Re: NFS Undercover Money HexEdit

Posted: 26 Dec 2008, 06:59
by zdog90210
wow i have absolutely no idea what yous guys are talking about no offense.
can someone explain this like i'm 5 . and have no clue about hex editing (witch i don't!) if someone could it would be greatly appreaceted :D

Re: NFS Undercover Money HexEdit

Posted: 18 May 2010, 12:19
by stock-guy
The hexadecimal notation is almost universally used in computing - and not without a reason. There are sixteen hex digits - 0 to 9, and A to F (which correspond to decimal values 10 to 15), and each hex digit represents exactly four bits.