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Best Hydro Points nfsu2 Demo!

Posted: 04 Nov 2004, 01:01
by VPNeverLoser
post your best hydro points in nfsu2 demo :wink:
btw i did 4300 and dropped it :(
ill post another one later :wink:

Posted: 04 Nov 2004, 03:12
by TheStig
one question.... why do we have all these idiotic competitions...??

how bored are you all???
fastest track run... OK
fastest drag .... OK
longest drift .... OK

fastest outrun .... :?
al those stylepoints BIG NONO!

Posted: 04 Nov 2004, 07:23
by Andre_online
Actually, I totally agree with Stig... We never had such competitions in the NFSU1 demo... There's Drag and circuit... Why weren't the best times posted until it's NFSU2? IMO, I think these peeps are way too excited about the game until they got soooooooooo bored, they created these competitions....

Posted: 04 Nov 2004, 18:05
by PSZeTa
Never had? You could have seen enough on other forums.

What's the problem of putting up competitions? It's just fun, and makes you feel satisfied when you are in the top 3.

Posted: 04 Nov 2004, 21:38
by TheStig
it is called OVERKILL....

comps like this... are called what to do when you are BORED STIFF.... it is pure a race who has got the least usefull to do... cause it is simply not dificult it only takes time...
I can get huge amounts of stylepoints with hydro by pressing the arrows for like half an hour!

it is utterly useless think about it...
normal comps where you have something that takes some skill yeah cool... but this... it is a substitude for boredom!

sometimes I wonder if some of you have a social life... like FRIENDS?
cause I personally can think of more fun things to do then pressing the arrow buttons on my keyboard for 30 minutes to get a high hydro score!

but who am I... maybe I am getting to old for this sh**

Posted: 05 Nov 2004, 05:51
by Andre_online
TheStig wrote:...cause I personally can think of more fun things to do then pressing the arrow buttons on my keyboard for 30 minutes to get a high hydro score!
LOL!!! I'm in the same boat as you Stig! And I'd rather do it in real life rather than in the game... ;)

Posted: 06 Nov 2004, 02:53
by VPNeverLoser
Andre_online wrote:LOL!!! I'm in the same boat as you Stig! And I'd rather do it in real life rather than in the game... ;)
and you'd get yourself killed or arrested :roll:

Posted: 06 Nov 2004, 04:18
by TheStig
I don't think he means racing in real life

Posted: 06 Nov 2004, 09:27
by AcingTeam
Andre_online wrote:
TheStig wrote:...cause I personally can think of more fun things to do then pressing the arrow buttons on my keyboard for 30 minutes to get a high hydro score!
LOL!!! I'm in the same boat as you Stig! And I'd rather do it in real life rather than in the game... ;)
Some of us.... most of us... can't afford doing that in real life. That's why they invented games.

Posted: 06 Nov 2004, 10:21
by Andre_online
I know Ace, but Stig and some of us are personally tired of seeing these scores... The least they could do is just to keep the scores to themselves, no need to brag around about it, there's no benefit of doing so... :roll:

Posted: 06 Nov 2004, 11:45
by TheStig
everybody knows the purpose of these game I hope...

but what I ment is there is no real logic to these comps...

some comps are usefull and about skills:

- circuit 10 lap times for instance and fastest laptime!
- Drag record
- Drift record

those are record where you need practice and skill to get great times or scores...

but these stylepoint scores.... not so sure about that... hydrolic scores??? IMO the person how the bored the most wins... cause it is only a matter of time... who presses the same arrowkeys the longest wins...
reverse challenge.... ok maybe takes some skill (driving backward isn't that easy)
the outrun challenge... fastest??? more luck then skill and practice... cause if the opponent crashes when you accepted his challenge you lost him in a few seconds... longest outrun is something difirent I think keeping it running for a long time takes some skill!

that all I wanted to say about that...

Posted: 06 Nov 2004, 18:54
by f360spyda
thestig wrote-
longest outrun is something difirent I think keeping it running for a long time takes some skill!
actually i think longest outrun would b somewhat interesting, if ur really really bored. its kinda like who can toy w/ the computer the longest, and it would take skill to keep up w/ it for a long time without makin too many mistakes. of course after 5-10 minutes the majority of ppl will lose interest, but itd b fun to see what other ppl came up with

(*edit- sorry dunno how to put the persons name along w the [ quote ] thingie)

Posted: 06 Nov 2004, 21:46
by VPNeverLoser
TheStig wrote:reverse challenge.... ok maybe takes some skill(driving backward isn't that easy)
then why did you lock it :?

Posted: 07 Nov 2004, 07:38
by Andre_online
He didn't say that reverse competition is OK, did he? He just said that it takes lotsa skills to drive backwards... Doesn't mean you need to have a competition on that... ;)

Posted: 07 Nov 2004, 07:46
by TheStig
I said It takes SOME skill... when you know how to steer and choose a relatively easy way(lots of streights and some mild corners) I think you can set huge scores there also... wich means the person who is bored the most wins... :P

but my statement on the longest outrun is looks like it is possible that ou can do it till you fall asleep.... after a few hours...

I guess that Sparco will hold the record for a long time... cause I think/hope nobody is bored enough to beat 2hours!

but in a way it is something Sparco did there... you have to be extremely patient!

but who am I??

I know I am not addicted to the game (or any game) got other things to have fun with...
I will play the game when I get it... and when will that be?? dunno... will see it when it is in the mailbox

Posted: 15 Nov 2004, 01:36
by SkyLine GTR
i think that king of competions is pretty werid
u can just keep going and never stop
thats not really a challenge

Posted: 15 Nov 2004, 02:20
by PSZeTa
LOL, why? Someone gets better, then you want to get better again. That's the point of a competition.

Posted: 15 Nov 2004, 05:18
by TheStig
but you have to be utterly bored to keep it upm for like 30 min or more...

wich IMO stand for... go outside and do something usefull..!!

Posted: 15 Nov 2004, 17:04
by ^Sparco^
Yeah... Imagine this scene:

Ring ring... (mobile phone sounds)

-Hello m8, Im your dear friend... what are you doing?
-Im playing nfsu2, I had been pressing the H and J keys for 40minutes but I HAD TO TAKE THE PHONE because you ****** called me... and I have to start again!!!!
-What? Are you in drugs? :roll:

Posted: 15 Nov 2004, 18:39
by Andre_online
LOL!!!!! Nice one Dani! ;)

And what Stig said is true, you peeps need to get a life rather than playing NFS for 24 hours... It doesn't get you any good except getting you myopic in a few months... I bought myself a treadmill. And I tell ya, that thing keeps me forgetting about NFSU2, which is a good thing. Otherwise I'll be damn stressed out. ;)

Posted: 15 Nov 2004, 22:13
by Moosehead115
well, its only a matter of time to get better at racing a virtual construct around a virtual track, its just who has more free time to spend practicing it. its like anything. DDR is the same... who can press these 4 buttons the fastest in sequence. i think its kind of silly to knock on any hobby because when you get right down to it EVERY hobby and undertaking that people compete in is completley silly and pointless.

Posted: 16 Nov 2004, 04:03
by TheStig
that is just plain stupid....

this can't be named a hobby!

not in my book that is!

Posted: 17 Nov 2004, 04:31
by WickedSick
Obvioulsy you're the only one thats read that book... gaming is a hobby..
I agree with you on hydro crapo comp. ... but remeber gaming IS and forever will be a hobby. Unless you're refering to these silly comps as being a

Posted: 17 Nov 2004, 09:17
by Andre_online
"WickedSick", you're a student right? Being a student myself, I had to sacrifice myself to not buying NFSU until January 2004, as I had to focus on my studies. Trust me, when you grow old, gaming would be the last thing you can ever think of in your mind, 'cos there'll be lotsa responsibilities to take care of when you're an adult. And besides, reading book is fun! Well, I'm not an avid reader myself, but I read newspaper everyday... Stig here has career himself, that's why he's trying to motivate all of us here to be mature... Hence, he's a mod here.

Think about it my friend... Your life would be nothing without education, cos education is the key to success...

Posted: 17 Nov 2004, 16:11
by TheStig
I ment that the comps are not a hobby IMO

but then again for me the whole game is not a hobby but pure entertainment... and fun... not really a hobby...

main hobbys are for me: mountainbiking (and bikes itself) and modeltrains, the computer for me doesn't qualify as a hobby for me... I do spend more time sitting behind the comp...

but the whole stylepoint comp stuff as a hobby is just plain waiste of time... but that is just my opinion