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Street Rod 2 Help Needed...!!

Posted: 23 Oct 2003, 14:58
by xXx
I have a slow running pc & I have currently downloaded the street rod 2 which is recommended by many people on this site...

However, can anyone help me with the configuration of the game??
I mean can I change the controls cause it's bugging me...(I don't know the current control keys)

If there's no key configuration in the game, then can anyone pls tell me the control keys...(the key for brakes, changing gear & etc)

I have no problems with the auto transmission but the manual is hard to master... pls help... cause it's a cool game & I don't mind the graphics though.....

Posted: 24 Oct 2003, 01:34
by Koffy
Its easy. Up=Accelerate, Down=Breake(you don't need it much), Left&Right=Steering, then SpaceBar=Gears (if you are accelerating it will shift up, when braking down. Control disables the sound.
You can also use the mouse for control. You steer to both sides, Left button is the gas, and right changes gears (I think, I don't use those controls)

Posted: 24 Oct 2003, 11:04
by xXx
You make it look easy though... :roll:
I 'll try it out...
Thanx... :wink:

Posted: 24 Oct 2003, 15:28
by xXx
Oh man..., I wouldn't want to complaint but am I frustrated...
The drag mode isn't that hard to play with the controls(I am using the mouse)..., but the other two modes are killing me...
When I was racing the two modes, I dunno why I always crashed WHEN I DIDN'T HIT ANYTHING AT ALL... !!!!!
And the other thing is the control... it's hard to drift using the mouse !!! :evil:

(I know you must be asking me why don't I use the keyboard instead... cause I am one handed & it's difficult for me to press one key on one side & another key at another side of the keyboard.....)

Wish I could change the control though... :(

By the way..., is there any other free/online game that are nice to play??(driving)

Posted: 24 Oct 2003, 18:55
by jancleynen
Sure there are!!!!!!!!!! Here is one drag racing game called Nitto 1320

Posted: 25 Oct 2003, 16:43
by xXx
Hey there jancleynen..., thanx for telling me bout the game...

At first glance, the game looks cool enough(brilliant interface)...
but somehow I can't manage to buy parts, can't search for other users, can't chat... & etc. :(

I can race with the computer though..., BUT THE COMP DIDN'T MOVE AN INCH... !!!!!! (which means I am racing myself... how idiotic... :evil: )

What's wrong with such a nice game...?? (at least it look nice though) :roll:

Posted: 27 Oct 2003, 15:34
by jancleynen
I don't know i downloaded it too and i can't race against anything but i think that's just my internet that's doing very weird.............

Posted: 29 Oct 2003, 01:08
by Koffy
When you start a race aguinst the comp, first you have to get close to the starting line. Then, the light tunrs green, and the computer starts to race.

Posted: 29 Oct 2003, 12:42
by xXx
Koffy wrote:When you start a race aguinst the comp, first you have to get close to the starting line. Then, the light tunrs green, and the computer starts to race.
I tried that a lot of times, but still the comp wouldn't want to move an inch... I think it's some kind of bug or something is wrong with the game... :?

Posted: 31 Oct 2003, 02:19
by Koffy
??? That's strange. The computer moved with me.???

Posted: 04 Nov 2003, 03:03
by xXx
Hmmm...... then there must be sth wrong with my comp... :roll: