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Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 19:32
by weedman173
Does anyone know how I can get virtual machines running on Windows XP Home Edition? I know it's possible with professional edition but I really don't feel like installing that.

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 20:00
by prince1142003
is this what you were looking for?

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 14 Jul 2007, 10:58
by race_invader
Not really a problem. How can i stop multiple programs run when i log into my user account? I just hate it when Msn starts up and other programs start it really give me a headache.

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 14 Jul 2007, 11:11
by xHaZxMaTx
There may be an option in the program, itself, to have the program run when Windows starts.

The program may be located in 'Start > All Programs > Startup'.

For XP: Go to 'Start > Run', then type in 'MSConfig' and hit the Return/Enter key.
For Vista: In the 'Start' menu, type in the search bar 'MSConfig' and hit the Return/Enter key.
A list of all the programs that start when Windows loads will be displayed under the 'Startup' tab. By unchecking the boxes to the left of a program, it prevent that program from running when Window loads.

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 14 Jul 2007, 13:29
by race_invader
This helps alot. Thanks :)

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 15 Jul 2007, 11:39
by Carcrazy
OKay.. first off, I'm not really sure where to put this, so I'll put it here.

I bought a (almost) new PS2 (slimeline/silver limited.) It came in yesterday... {well, now, since it's 530AM,) it came on Friday. Since the slimeline has a built-in network adapter (and my brother is so much of an ass he won't let me run a cable to it,) I've been trying to run the internet from my PC (USB Wi-Fi) to the PS2 using an ethernet cable... but I haven't gotten anywhere. I Have the "Online Start-Up Disk -4.0- " and have been trying to run it, but I never get a connection. I've even tried manually setting the IP address to match mine (as shown in tutorials I've found on google) but still NO LUCK! I've tried a program where, I put a specific IP into the PS2 and it is supposed to connect, but it didn't work either...

Does anyone know how to do this (under $10 or less spending limit,) or if not... a CHEAP Wi-Fi Bridge that I can use. Also, can I use an ethernet wi-fi adapter (like I use on my PC) or does it have to be a bridge. All the manual and the instruction video on the disk mention is a bridge, no mention of an adapter of any kind.


May have gotten it, testing now... if it has I will delete the post. :P

I got one successful conection but now nothing...

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 15 Jul 2007, 12:22
by xHaZxMaTx
I'm sure a knife costs less then $10. 'Ask' your brother to stop being a prick. :)

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 15 Jul 2007, 12:31
by Carcrazy
I'd Beat his face in if I didn't know the amount of chaos it causes... I'm supposed to be the "good" one... :?

I'm the strongest but I have to lay down everytime someone does anything to me.

I've even tried to manually set the IP, subnet, gateway, and DNS servers on both my PS2 and my PC.... I still have internet on my PC so I know I set those correctly.

I'm gonna try connecting in U2, since both the Online disk and TDU won't work...

I can get to where it gets the DNAS settings, then it times out...


I guess I'll go check those... :roll:

Nope, they are right.



It says on the ps2 that DCHP is used... but under the ipconfig/all cscript (shows all ip/internet crap) it is not enabled... how do I enable it?????????

I think I got it... testing now! PLz PLz work!

Nope, still get the same DHCP "No responce from DNS" crap...

I'm giving up for now... I've spent 4 hours tinkering around like a moron... Ill try tomarrow/today.

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 15 Jul 2007, 15:10
by SkeeteRX7
As I posted earlier, I am getting my new laptop, and I'm wondering if any of you know anywhere online where you can get the Acer Travelmate 6460-6263 business laptop, because I only can find 2 places to buy it.

Does anyone know where to find it?

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 15 Jul 2007, 16:19
by Pabl0z
SkeeteRX7 wrote:As I posted earlier, I am getting my new laptop, and I'm wondering if any of you know anywhere online where you can get the Acer Travelmate 6460-6263 business laptop, because I only can find 2 places to buy it.

Does anyone know where to find it?
How many places do you need to buy it from? ;)

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 02:13
by Carcrazy
I can always get a connection in the "Network Configuration Utility," but that tests only the internet conection... meaning it is on the web. It has it's own IP instead of sharing one with my PC, so info knows where to go... It is always when it tries to get DNAS configurations. Any PS2 owners had this problem and know how to solve it?

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 02:42
by S2000_Skyline12
Can I ask one thing? Are you the little or bigger brother?

And about the DNAS well you could try something:

>Get a online game and go to the online mode (make sure you have a online config setup before this)
>If it's the first time you've played online with that game, it should give you a online game config where it detects your ip
>When it finishes doing that, then try to play the game online, or do try doing what you were doing with your computer cause it should have at least something that is active with your IP already detected
>(You should try to play a game online first though)

But the best thing to get the PS2 online would be for a direct connection or a router, cause it needs the DNAS network for online access with the PS2 so unless your PC has something that shares the DNAS network in someway or something, then I think you're out of luck unless someone has something else

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 08:03
by Carcrazy
Ya, I got a little further. I knew my PC (or any other PC) could not share the same IP. So I set it ONE above mine (example say it is ***.***.*.104 (the 4th computer on my network) and I set it to ***.***.*.105 it should work. Well, I forgot the fact that we have like, 6 computers online at a time (all wi-fi but host, my brothers, who's is the only landline.) Then I realized they are numbered in the order they were first put on the network. Pretty obvious, but I forgot we re-did my mom's laptop with upgrades and put vista on it... *crap!* I had it set up to share an IP with her PC... ](*,) #-o Set the IP another number higher. It got connected in the online set up disk! One step further than before! \:D/ But still won't connect to DNAS.

The goodnews is that it is a different error message. 603 and not 604.

ERROR -604 = No responce from DNS server
ERROR -603 = DNAS Time-Out

That tells me that against all odds it IS getting internet access and that it's not impossible to run a PATCH ethernet and not a CROSSOVER cord to connect ur PC to ur PS2. (I'm so damn cheap :lol:)

When my brother leaves for orientation I'll direct connect it (unless he see's this post and locks the router - he likes to be nosy) and get the settings so then it should work.

I'm gonna keep looking into software to help the DNAS crap get out the port... this really is amazing since Vista doesn't recognise the port! XD
Even though I re-installed the driver numerous times. :roll:

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 17:30
by vellu
Carcrazy wrote:Ya, I got a little further. I knew my PC (or any other PC) could not share the same IP. So I set it ONE above mine (example say it is ***.***.*.104 (the 4th computer on my network) and I set it to ***.***.*.105 it should work. Well, I forgot the fact that we have like, 6 computers online at a time (all wi-fi but host, my brothers, who's is the only landline.) Then I realized they are numbered in the order they were first put on the network.
You've set static ip's to your machines, correct? Wouldn't it be much much easier to leave all to automatic and let your wlan-router take care of the ip business (and depending on its routing capabilities assign static ips directly from the router to specific machines if necessary).

If I understand you correctly you've connected your PS2 to your PC in order to share it's wireless access, right? That might be a problem since the DNAS specifically checks for certain hardware details and gets confused (or is just plain unable) when it cannot find a PS2 alone on a specific network location.

Quote: "DNAS works similarly to a series of keys; it retrieves information about a user's hardware (PS2) and software (Network enabled game) for authentication, copy protection, account blocking, system, rules, game management and other purposes."

It should work if you can plug your PS2 directly to your wlan-router.

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 21 Jul 2007, 00:14
by Carcrazy
Does anyoen know any free programs that can convert .wma to .mp3? I've used Movie Maker, Audacity, adn some other programs I found on google... Movie maker only saves as WMA, Aduacity cannot load WMA because of copyrights, and the other I found only convert 50%-75% of the song... Thanks!

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 21 Jul 2007, 01:47
by prince1142003
Media Monkey, although I do think there's a trial period.

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 22 Jul 2007, 06:54
by Carcrazy
Does anyone know how long the Windows Vista half-life is supposed to be? It seems every time I reinstall it, it ends up acting weird after a month, constantly crashing and loading user profiles incorrectly by month 2, and totaly breaks and has to have a clean install be month 3.

See... Windows Media Player is just one example... It can't even load names correctly, and it looks like it's making up new names. Just look at the pic....

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 22 Jul 2007, 08:52
by vellu
Carcrazy wrote:Does anyone know how long the Windows Vista half-life is supposed to be? It seems every time I reinstall it, it ends up acting weird after a month, constantly crashing and loading user profiles incorrectly by month 2, and totaly breaks and has to have a clean install be month 3.
If that is the case, I'd highly recommend you run some kind of hard drive diagnostics software and memtest86. First thing I'd suspect is a failing hard drive or ram problem.

I've been running Vista Business for about five months now, and haven't seen Vista itself crash os bsod (some incompatible software/drivers have caused issues naturally).

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 22 Jul 2007, 09:33
by Carcrazy
I've had Vista on two HDD's, three different times. First one did the same thing, untill it broke. (Hitachi IDE)

The second is brand new... a Maxtor Sata

It's not the RAM because I have run Windows RAM error detection program on it...

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 22 Jul 2007, 22:20
by Dragster
Ok I have a pretty nasty problem here:

I started downloading 2 big files from an FTP, came back, and realized my downloads failed because of my connection, which broke all of the sudden. The problem is that I didn't use any download manager to get the files, yet I started downloading them directly with Firefox.

So now I have 2 ' *.part ' files on my desktop, their size equals the correct percentage of the total files, so some data is there(80% of one, 60% of another), and I really wouldn't want to start downloading again, because that would cost me. Is there any way I can resume the download? I downloaded dozens of download managers, a program named "Download Resumer" and so on, nothing actually worked so I'm left clueless...

edit: the "Download Resumer" seems to be receiving data (i got it to resume download), but still didn't notice any incoming traffic

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 22 Jul 2007, 22:45
by BrontoX
No you can't do anything, you really do have to redownload them (as far as i know).

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 23 Jul 2007, 00:44
by weedman173
I'm setting up my computer to dual boot XP and Vista, I'm using XP right now. The problem I ran into is creating another partition on my C drive. It says that the maximum partition size is 5714.3 megabytes, I need to make a 20 gigabyte partition. I have 45 gigabytes of free space, so I have enough, why won't it let me make a larger partition? I am using Partition Magic 8.

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 23 Jul 2007, 01:49
by Carcrazy
Is it NTFS or FAT32? If it's FAT32 you may want to convert, since you will have to anyway. But you may have files stored in that part of the disk... all i can think of is a defrag to move them to one part of the disk. I'm not really sure about partitions in Windows, since any HDD work I do in Linux. If you want I could give you a link to a PClinuxOS download. (Free and legal)

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 23 Jul 2007, 02:52
by weedman173
I think I'm gonna hold off on dual booting, almost had to format my hard drive. I have most stuff backed up but not everything. I tried to set a new partition with the max space it would allow me, and it all went fine until it started the operation after restarting. It said that there were bad sectors and could not continue, then it restarted and as soon as the computer got to the loading screen, the loading bar would get half way across and stop then a blue screen would flash for less than a second(not enough time to read it obviously) and just kept doing that. I put in the windows CD and ran a chkdsk from the recovery control panel and it seemed to have fixed it. Since I have VMware, I'll try installing it on a virtual machine, much less risk that way.

Re: Computer Help Thread

Posted: 23 Jul 2007, 10:03
by taz947
I have installed Vista for seven months,and I hadn”t any problem with it.I update my Kaspersky every-day and scan every month.