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Posted: 18 Jul 2006, 01:23
by bam_bam
Prince requested to have the a version of the APR evo where the vinyls wernt al lflipped around like in the film . Here is a screen of it . I hope you like it :P


Posted: 18 Jul 2006, 05:01
by darknight788
i like it :D when are you going to upload it

Posted: 18 Jul 2006, 05:27
by BKize_GT
Userbars done :)
PM me if you want one (but you have to be on the team :P )

Posted: 18 Jul 2006, 05:42
by xturbo
bam, i'll get my draw thursday at night maybe, like 4 or 5 o'clock for me, but anyway in case you aren't here, i'll send it via mail. ok? see ya bam!

Posted: 18 Jul 2006, 09:55
by bam_bam
Im having problems uplaoding it , I tired a few days ago . I'm not done yet any way I'm still fiddeling with it . It'l be out soon guys .