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Posted: 21 Feb 2004, 04:05
by TheStig
l what kind of sig is that.... LOL

BTW I know my stats... but he forgot to mention I use XP pro!... duh...

Posted: 21 Feb 2004, 17:20
by Koffy
I like that....

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 03:29
My cant go too tuned out cus im only 17 (insureance would kill me lol) post any coments uv got on my car, i'v got planty more pics if ya wanna c em

Vehicle Info
Make: Chevrolet
Model: Cavalier
Year: 1994

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 07:34
by Abrams
very nice.
i like the paintjob

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 14:05
by GT3x24x7
It's a bit how's ya father for me - but nice if u like that kind of thing...

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 14:06
by TheStig
Real RICE m8... :D

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 14:22
by GT3x24x7
If it was in the showroom...

Dude nice whip, just change that bumper, lose the hood and get a new spoiler. Diff headlights would be good too. Love the vinyl work tho - nice and simple! 7.. :D

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 14:32
by TheStig
GT I crack myself up... :D

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 14:32
by TheStig
but what will it be in RL..?

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 14:34
by GT3x24x7
In Rl, for me - well, I'm gonna actually cringe when I see it in my mirror - disappearing fast!!! maybe 4. sorry dude, just my opinion is all :shrug:

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 14:42
by TheStig
In your mirror... that's funny... I often see the same...even smoke them with a Diesel on the Highway.. maybe not on a quarter mile...

A while ago I was driving my brothers Old Celica (1989) and a little Nissan Micra Passed me bij with 120 MPh... in parelessent Green... FUGLY BTW)

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 15:16
by GT3x24x7
Damn - that ain't driving a micra, that's piloting one! Guys taking his life, and his rep, into his own hands there - should hang his head in shame... ;)

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 15:18
by TheStig
BTW the Celica past away recently... Engine failure.... Now of to the New Type... :D

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 15:19
by GT3x24x7
ur bro loves the celicas huh? not enough pistons for me...

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 15:22
by TheStig
yep.. he likes em a lot... but He would love a Supra or Skyline... but if they are for Sale here... Too Expensive... only Skyline I saw was a GTS-t R34 65.000 Euro and a non Turbo Supra is about 30.000 here.. and you get a 1996 model...

Think we have to stick with Celica's and Pugs here...

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 15:28
by GT3x24x7
you guys got too much european and not much jap, we got plenty jap and some european, but it's real expensive usually - in the luxury range...

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 15:33
by TheStig
as always the other way around....

same story for US... european cars are Expensive...

Most of the Japanese cars here have never seen Japan... LOL

the Only toyota's that are build in japan (for euro Market) are the Celica and LandCruiser rest is all build in France and GB

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 15:50
by GT3x24x7
much cheaper to import - that's the thing, plus govt no doubt jacks the price up to line their pockets?

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 16:07
by TheStig
if a car comes in our country the Tax is HUGE...
car cost's 17820 customer price... the import pirce is.. 8.000
8000 + 2000 for the Import company (for Instance Toyota Europa) and 1000 for the Dealer!

then the Price is 11.000 over this price the TAX will be payed.. we got 2 types of Tax on cars... BTW (normal tax (19%) and BMP (special NEW car tax(43%)) so 19% of 11.000 = 2090
43% of 11.000 = 4730

total is 11.000+2090+4730 = 17.820

then there are a couple of houndred euro for making it drive ready and fuel and so on and so on

(long story eh... been Toyota SalesAdvisor for a few years...)

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 16:37
by GT3x24x7
aw man, they really got the screws tight on the imports, don't they? doubles the price... :shock: i have no clue how that compares to oz, but yuo can bet the govt makes a pretty penny out of it - they pretty switched on..

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 17:27
by TheStig
yep and the biggest prob is... we don't have any cars of your own... we only make trucks... DAF trucks is the only dutch brand... (ok and Spyker but the only make like 2 cars a year)

But happely they are going to get rid of the one of the taxes... (the big one) (not official yet but looks like it) for the European Union... rules... because of the difirent prices everywhere in europe...
may there is hope yet

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 17:41
by GT3x24x7
yeh, the eu thing should simplify a lot of that stuff eh?

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 20:24
by Grez~Supra_RZ-S
best thing to do like GT said, buy a grey import car, or import your own, its much cheaper:)

Posted: 26 Feb 2004, 21:16
by TheStig
Sure is... Maybe I will import a Jap once... I wan't a own car.. (really my own... ) but don't have a serious reason why... Pure because I wan't a cool Skyline or Supra on my doorstep....
For driving I use my Company 206... Cause it doesn't cost me any money extra then the montly salary cut... (80 euro)

Posted: 27 Feb 2004, 02:02
by GT3x24x7
There's bunch of boards on the net where you can bid direct with the jap exporters for cars that are sitting on the docks. it's mainly dealer in there, but there's nothing to stop you being a part of it - just have to be careful, since it's a sight-unseen arrangement, tho you can ask for pics, info etc..