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Posted: 28 Jun 2005, 18:36
by IronHead
Trigun, Get Backer , and Naruto.

Posted: 28 Jun 2005, 19:47
by Dragon-of-Rune
@ Ironhead to you have all the naruto episode's if not i know a legal site where you can download them.

Posted: 28 Jun 2005, 20:24
by ^Speed 12^
Pokemon! I used to watch that.

Posted: 28 Jun 2005, 20:53
by IronHead
Dragon-of-Rune wrote:@ Ironhead to you have all the naruto episode's if not i know a legal site where you can download them.
yea i have all of them :)

Posted: 08 Jul 2005, 06:05
by klein
i have most of the naruto episodes

Posted: 08 Jul 2005, 09:58
by Dragon-of-Rune
Anybody already seen bleach episode 39 it was released yesterday and it kick's ass.

Posted: 08 Jul 2005, 17:18
by xHaZxMaTx
DrewBoi wrote:Most of the stuff on Adult Swim on Cartoon Network...
What he said. That new show, s-CRY-ed, I don't like, though.

Posted: 08 Jul 2005, 18:25
by Jopuma
Dragon-of-Rune wrote:Anybody already seen bleach episode 39 it was released yesterday and it kick's ass.
Not yet. I was left on the cliff-hanger episode 4. I'm downloading episode 5 currently. BLEACH KICKS @$$!

Posted: 08 Jul 2005, 19:55
by Dragon-of-Rune
On which site, Fansub or Bleach DJ? Because with Bleach DJ you can download 2 episode's at a time.

Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 03:33
by Jopuma
Bleach DJ. It allows me to re download episodes. But my dumb @$$ downloading program doesn't allow me to download two at a time. Unless I use the browser downloader on one and Aria on the other.

Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 14:49
by Dragon-of-Rune
Better check your settings then, probaly your security settings.

Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 20:37
by Jopuma
Linspire doesn't have security things except a virus checker. No viruses are made for Linspire. Everything got really exciting up to the point to where I can't watch episode 9. The file on their site is corrupted so its only a couple kilobytes in size.

I was wondering if anyone had the 9th episode of Bleach.

Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 22:06
by Dragon-of-Rune
that is because the download was stopped by the server, if there server is overrunning with people downloading some just stop. And more then 1000 people are downloading bleach episode's a day so the servers are a little busy at the moment (this is for the fansub site don't know about the Bleach DJ site)

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 22 Jul 2007, 11:09
by boganbusman
Thread digging time! I didn't really want to start a new thread, so I'm giving this one a kick in the guts.

I've been watching a fair shedload of anime in recent times, including Elfen Lied, Full Metal Alchemist, Gundam SEED, Gundam Wing, and of course my all time favourite, Neon Genesis Evangelion . . . which leads me to the whole point of this post:

The Rebuild of Evangelion was annouced a while ago, and I just wanted to post the new trailer, which is FRIGGIN AWESOMELOL

Why can't we embed Youtube vids anymore?

Someone (Djiel I think) got me started on Death Note, so I'll be watching that one next. Just gotta find where I can d . . . nevermind.

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 22 Jul 2007, 18:23
by xHaZxMaTx
FMA's a decent show, as for Gundam Wing, but I haven't watched that sine I was like 11-12, so it could be an entirely different show, now. Evangelion is one crazy bumbum show; the ending left me like, "...WTF?!". :shock: But it's also very awesome. 8) Though my personal favourite is Cowboy Bebop, followed closely by Ghost in the Shell.

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 22 Jul 2007, 19:19
by Carcrazy
I could never get into stuff like Cowbow Bebop, Ghost in the shell or Blood... Only stuff like inuyasha and bleach.

Speaking of bleach, I missed church cuz I stayed up watching it on a new site... I forgot to bookmark it so does anyone have any good sites to watch bleach? Im like, episode 46 and up.

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 23 Jul 2007, 05:04
by xHaZxMaTx

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 23 Jul 2007, 07:05
by Lan.Evo.III

I've been watching it there from episode 1.(Now up to episode 106)

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 23 Jul 2007, 10:04
by boganbusman
xHaZxMaTx wrote:FMA's a decent show, as for Gundam Wing, but I haven't watched that sine I was like 11-12, so it could be an entirely different show, now.
Gundam Wing isn't that great really, but it's not bad. Gundam SEED is quite good though, if you're interested.

I know it can be hard to understand Eva, you just need to watch it a few times . . . I think I'm up to my eighth viewing :-k I also can't get into Cowboy Bebop or Ghost In The Shell. With the former, I just don't really find it entertaining, and with the latter, I just don't understand what's going on most of the time. Forgot to mention that I've also seen Ergo Proxy, and for me that was like watching Cowboy Bebop and Ghost In The Shell at the same time :P Confusing and boring.

I guess I'm a bit picky with anime, and it doesn't help that I watched the best one first (Eva) :)

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 24 Jul 2007, 01:33
by krazyammo
sorta picky when it comes to anime.....just finished ouran high school host club wow what an crazy club.....lost contact with bleach and don't care bout naruto...if you guys have any anime to recommend tell me bout it! :D

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 24 Jul 2007, 03:21
by Lan.Evo.III
Initial D isnt too bad.
I dont know where to watch it though. I just borrowed it from a friend.

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 24 Jul 2007, 03:25
by xHaZxMaTx
Ugh, Initial D is awful. :(

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 24 Jul 2007, 08:34
by boganbusman
xHaZxMaTx wrote:Ugh, Initial D is awful. :(
I agree. It's boring, and quite badly drawn.

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 24 Jul 2007, 08:59
by Lan.Evo.III
There is nothing wrong with Initial D.
Just because it doesnt have giant mech soldiers, and weird creatures, or some samurai dude who is totally invincible, no matter what gets thrown at him, doesnt mean it's bad. To my knowledge, it is the only anime that has been changed into a Live Action Movie.
Sorry if I dont share your opinions.

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 24 Jul 2007, 09:16
by boganbusman
Lan.Evo.III wrote:There is nothing wrong with Initial D.
Just because it doesnt have giant mech soldiers, and weird creatures, or some samurai dude who is totally invincible, no matter what gets thrown at him, doesnt mean it's bad. To my knowledge, it is the only anime that has been changed into a Live Action Movie.
Sorry if I dont share your opinions.
If you think Initial D is good, then you have quite low standards. Or you love Corollas and RX7s, or something . . .

And what's so good about it being made into a live action movie? I know it worked for Transformers, but the Initial D movie is equally as bad as the show . . . plus it's not even Japanese :|