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Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 24 Jul 2007, 09:23
by xHaZxMaTx
The overall quality of the show is bad, it's not fun to watch, and it's unbelievably predictable.

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 24 Jul 2007, 09:35
by Lan.Evo.III
xHaZxMaTx wrote:and it's unbelievably predictable.
I could say the exact same about every other anime. And I wouldnt be lying. It's a simple fact that anime is totally predictable, no matter what it is.
People's tastes are just diferant.

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 24 Jul 2007, 21:00
by Jopuma
Not just anime, but most TV shows and cartoons are predictable.

I watch Bleach, but that's starting to get really stupid with all the dumb fillers they keep introducing. I mean seriously the manga is far enough ahead, they don't need any more fillers than just the crappy one they had in '06.

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 24 Jul 2007, 22:13
by PSZeTa
Once it catches up, you'll have another filler again. So what the hell does it matter.

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 01:40
by Jopuma
Nothing with what you're saying. They don't need fillers is what I'm saying. They can just repeat some old episodes until they have something to go off for it.

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 05:43
by xHaZxMaTx
Is The Boondocks considered anime? :|

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 05:54
by S2000_Skyline12
No not really

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 07:19
by Carcrazy
Well, it's not really anime, and it's not made in Japan either...

Offtopic: What episode of bleach are you on jop?

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 07:37
by Lan.Evo.III
No matter what people's tastes are, I think we can all agree on one thing.
Fillers are the worst thing to happen to tv ever.
Although, I dont think I've really seen a filler in Bleach for quite some time.
But maybe the Bounto's past could be considered filler. Whatever, my only worry now is that nothing will load.

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 11 Aug 2007, 05:12
by Carcrazy
I've spent like, the past 3 hours watching Bleach... and i have to say that episodes 56-60 kick bumbum!!! I knew that Captain Aizen was still alive, but i didn't expect him to be crooked, or kill Lieutenantor Hinamori or Captain Hitsugaya... :shock:

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 12 Aug 2007, 11:44
by boganbusman
I finished watching Death Note, and I have to say that I was quite impressed. Definitely a must-see :wink:

And if you like Death Note, then you will probably like Code Geass, which was recommended to me by The_Gravedigger. It's quite similar to Death Note, but it has robots and two of the main characters look like Kira and Athrun from Gundam SEED :-s Only just started watching, but it's been excellent so far.

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 14 Nov 2007, 04:22
by bashderq
I apologise for the epic bump.

When you talk about Deathnote, is it the live actor/CGI version or the anime?

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 14 Nov 2007, 09:14
by boganbusman
The anime, haven't seen the live-action version (didn't know there was one!).

Code Geass is much better though, imo. Actually since that last post ^^ I've probably watched it through about 4-5 times :P

Also, anyone looking for a more comedic show should check out The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, I found it hilarious :) Been out for a while now, but I'm not really in the 'loop' when it comes to anime.

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 03 Dec 2007, 22:02
by Jopuma
Carcrazy wrote:Offtopic: What episode of bleach are you on jop?
I'm on episode 150 now. Right on track with the story and stupid 3 episode filler came in on 147. However, it was a little more bearable due to the fact that was part of the story Kubo couldn't put into the manga due to time constraints.

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 05 Feb 2008, 11:45
by boganbusman
Time to dig up this thread (again).

I just started watching the most insane, hyperactively awesome show ever made:
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
and I stopped watching just to post about it. It has the same visual style as FLCL, and it's also done by GAINAX, but you can actually understand what's going on and the action is 100x more mental. There's no sophisticated or deep storyline (yet?), it just puts a huge grin on your face.
It's easy viewing, and a bit stupid, but oh so much fun. :mrgreen:

Absolutely must watch, for everyone.

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 07 Apr 2008, 06:51
by boganbusman
Just to give you guys the heads-up, Code Geass season two (R2) started in Japan yesterday :)

Also, the Rebuild of Evangelion 1.01 DVD comes out on the 25th, and the Gurren Lagann movie will be relased on the 6th of September. Still no word on the second season of Haruhi, but I'll post here when I find out.

Now for another recommendation:
Full Metal Panic! plus Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid and Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu.
A mecha show crossed with high-school comedy. Need I say more?
Kind of old stuff now, but it's a perfect blend of comedy, drama and action, with the underlying theme of deciding what you want to do with your life.
The Fumoffu series is just based on the high-school part, and it will have you on the floor, literally :lol:
Highly recommend, maybe a bit violent for youngsters though.

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 08 Apr 2008, 00:18
by krazyammo
An Sci-fi, Action, and Comedy anime that is also highly recommended is Gintama. Just completely random, you'll really be thinking....'does this even have a storyline'...can be found on crunchyroll, youtube, and veoh :wink:

Edit: can't wait for 2nd season/series of 'Suzumiya Haruhi No Yuutsu'

Edit 2: Gintama not recommended if you are a fan of Bleach and Other anime they parody in the anime

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 08 Apr 2008, 15:48
by Jopuma
Thanks for those updates bogan. Now I'll have even more anime to watch. :lol:

As for that Gintama, I really disliked how they made fun of 2 of my favorite animes. :|

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 09 Apr 2008, 05:35
by krazyammo
maybe I shouldn't have posted that video

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 09 Apr 2008, 14:56
by Jopuma
Eh... you can if you want. :) I was just saying that I disliked their bad puns on 2 good shows is all. :lol:

I recently found some decent animes to watch which are (some of you may have seen em) Last Exile and Eureka 7.

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 09 Apr 2008, 16:16
by krazyammo
Oh I see. and I think the creator of the anime tries to get permission from the other anime before doing their parody

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 14 Apr 2008, 04:51
by Jopuma
Gaahhh that Eureka seveN was really good. But it leaves you kinda clueless at the end on what really happens.

I did find out that the movie is going into production (now that its been 2 years since the show finished) and rumors of another series of Eureka seveN are going around. I'm amped because that was one awesome show.

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 14 Apr 2008, 09:47
by boganbusman
Quick heads up for all the Aussies!

Starting tonight (Monday 14th) at 9:30pm, ABC2 will be screening Death Note. Perfect opportunity for anyone who hasn't seen it to check it out.

Edit: On second thoughts, don't watch it. The quality was terrible, and English dub :-#

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 14 Apr 2008, 17:15
by Jopuma
Dang bogan. I just found out that the second season of Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya that was supposed to be made got canceled in favor of another project. :(

Re: Anime... Japanese Cartoons... Whatever...

Posted: 14 Apr 2008, 19:39
by YaelDjiel
boganbusman wrote:and English dub :-#
insta-fail D: