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[MW]Debug Error!?

Posted: 12 Aug 2006, 16:37
When I was playing the challenge series, somewhere around 50(15 minutes pursuit, once done, evade, using a Cayman S), But a dialog box popped up and said something about "debug error..."(<--something like that), then I jumped out to Windows...:(
What's going on?? How can I do?? Need to reinstall???
btw I used hex to edit bonus markers, does it make this error happened??

Posted: 12 Aug 2006, 16:54
by prince1142003
it's a bug with Most Wanted. you'll just have to deal with it.

Posted: 12 Aug 2006, 21:02
by xturbo
Also happened with's a debug c++ library error?? maybe is because the memory is low to continuing loading things, as i tested myself...

Posted: 12 Aug 2006, 22:01
by prince1142003
the users at NFSUnlimited have tried countless number of times to pinpoint the cause of the problem, unsuccessfully. it was said that turning motion blur off causes this problem, but this solution only applied to a very few people. it was also said that lengthy pursuits caused this problem, but this turned out not to be the case.

so for all purposes, this is a bug with Most Wanted that probably only EA can fix. but since EA has discontinued support fot the game, we won't see a fix for it.

Posted: 13 Aug 2006, 09:00
by darknight788
i'd say it is the lengthy pursuit because it has never happened to me while just roaming aorund. it has always happened to me at random when i am running from the cops and my heat is either 4 or 5 :?

Posted: 13 Aug 2006, 15:20
by prince1142003
like i said, there have been different users reporting different things. that's why i'm just gonna say it's an error with the game.

Posted: 13 Aug 2006, 15:20
darknight788 wrote:i'd say it is the lengthy pursuit because it has never happened to me while just roaming aorund. it has always happened to me at random when i am running from the cops and my heat is either 4 or 5 :?
Yea I agree with ya, it happenes to me too(when the heat level is high)
I did the event#68 in the challenge series(the 30 minutes pursuit using a Gallardo) today. I evaded the pursuit, BUT when I pressed Enter to "continue", the game crashed and jumped back to Windows, and I thought hardwork was just vanished :(
It also happened compule of times when I was doing event#60(the 15 minutes pursuit using a Cayman S)
and one of the pursuit using the VXR. :(

of all the times and places

Posted: 30 Nov 2006, 01:56
by callidus
I've got the same problem, only it consistently pops up just as I'm about to jump the bridge after running away from Cross on heat level 6. I cannot beat the game because of it and always start my career back up running on the last chase, and after 5-8 min (when I get around to the bridge) my computer crashes the game and sends me back to the desktop. :evil: