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Online Game Room Timers in NFSC!

Posted: 17 Aug 2007, 09:49
by idlewild
Hi! I have a q-n regarding online game room timers. I was in a game room with non standard timers, example: his time was over 15 minutes, and the game was keep searching for new players untill it was full of ppl (8 players), i wish i remember what was his name to ask him how he did that, but i don't. So i'm asking if anyone knows how to modify this countdown timers and time for "searching for players" ? This was you could always get a full room of ppl and not just 2 (how it is most of the time, which sucks)...

thanx for any help or info on that!

Re: Online Game Room Timers in NFSC!

Posted: 17 Aug 2007, 20:13
by Andre_online
Hmm, I've always thought it was a bug. When you press the SPACE bar, technically the countdown timer should start counting down from 30 seconds down (20 at times for Canyon). I've had cases like yours. But I usually quit before the game could even begin. Why?

1. Because the match NEVER loads eventually and it'll still show "Game room is locked" despite already having the maximum amount of racers in the room.

2. Game will lack because of full participation.

But back to the question again, I don't think there's an application for it.

Re: Online Game Room Timers in NFSC!

Posted: 17 Aug 2007, 20:35
by idlewild
that's true, i never got a chance to play such game by differ. reasons like games crashed, was knocked out of the room etc..
well maybe once a week i get a chance to play 6 ppl race and nothing ever lags (at least for me :) ), so i keep thinking of the possibility to increase the "searching for players" time :)..

Re: Online Game Room Timers in NFSC!

Posted: 18 Aug 2007, 04:41
by Andre_online
Nah, highly doubt that there's such a tool.. ;)

Re: Online Game Room Timers in NFSC!

Posted: 22 Mar 2011, 11:28
by jinadetter
Yes, me too, I’ve never got a change to play that game. It might just a full or something like that, that was I am thinking before. Anyway, since you’ve mentioned that already then It looks like a hopeless to play that game.