phpBB3 RC8 (What the...?)

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phpBB3 RC8 (What the...?)

Post by Carcrazy »

Okay, this is gonna sound really weird but, uh... my forum is kind-of deleting it-self. (At least, I'm hoping it's just deleting it-self. I updated it to version RC8, (fresh install,) and about, eh... 2-4 hours ago, i got an error saying that /en/config.php (the english language configuration file) could not be found. Looked on the server, and yes... the entire language folder was gone. So basically I just re-uploaded the language packages and refreshed the page to make sure everything was working. Something was wrong with one of the files in the includes directory. (Yeah, I just lost most of you probably...) Didn't even bother fixing that. Figured I'd have to re-upload that folder too. But... my battery on the laptop was dead, so I really had no choice but to leave it for now. (I did go ahead and re-load that one file though.) Got on a few minutes ago, now the prosilver style folder is gone. (And to think, I spent the entire day trying to fix the forum due to a style error... hence why i finally installed a fresh copy of phpBB3.) So now NFSUnleashed is left with no forum, until i figure out why the forum has decided to eat itself. At least I'm hoping it's "eating" it-self... lord knows if it's something else, both me and Bojan may have a problem on our hands. :lol:

It's fixed for now, but if there are any more "missing" files in the morning, I'll probably delete the forum and watch the rest of the files for a day or so. It's weird because I was getting errors all day, but that's probably just a coincidence.

Any Suggestions of what to look for, or what could be the possible problem?
BTW: If there are error's in my typing, it's 4:30AM, so let's not get that American thing going... lol
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