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Career unlock sequence

Posted: 27 Dec 2008, 08:26
by jeffareid
Since I couldn't find any walkthroughs for Undercover, I did a bit of research on my own. Career mode progression depends on rep points and jobs done. Since you can get rep points for doing pursuits, it might be possible to complete the game without ever doing a single race, except that you don't earn money from a pursuit, so you'd have to use the cars you'd win. The pursuits also get more difficult at around Wheelman level 9 and up, more so at level 14 and up.

Note when installing upgrades, you don't need to install the lower upgrades, for example, if pro parts are available, you don't need to buy street or race parts first.

Although your level can go up to 18, there are no races higher than level 14.

Note that "current" races on the gps map don't include races more than a few levels old, and unless you switch the mode to "available" you'll end up skipping some races.

Unlock sequence, assuming jobs are done as soon as they are unlocked:

level 2.5 - After job, you win a tier 4 car. I recommend the Lotus Elise.

level 5.3 - After job, tier 3 car shop is unlocked. However only the Skyline is faster than the Elise, and that's only on high speed tracks with both upgraded to race parts which don't appear for a while, so I recommend not buying any cars at this point.

level 7.5 After 3 jobs, the race parts shop is unlocked. You probably won't have enough money to buy the Skyline GTR and upgrade it with race parts yet though. You need about $218,000 to buy it and install race parts.

level 8.5 - after job, you win a tier 3 car, none of them are faster than the Elise, except for top speed.

level 9.5 - after a 9.0 job, a tier 2 car shop opens up. Later you'll win a tier 2 car, one of them being the Porsche 911 GT2, which is the fastest tier 2 car, but that doesn't happen until level 12.0, with tier 2 and pro parts already unlocked, so during level 11 you'll probably need a tier 2 car. I bought the Viper, but since the GT2 you win is the best tier 2 car, I'm not sure what to recommend at this point, since you only need to be able to win up to level 12 events.

level 11.5 - after 3 level 11.0 -> 11.3 jobs, the pro parts shop is opened. Again I'm not sure if you should buy these now, or wait until you win the GT2 in level 12.

level 12.0 - after 4 jobs, you win a tier 2 car, I recommend the GT2. Pro parts are already unlocked.

level 13.5 - after a level 13.0 job, the tier 1 car shop with ultimate parts is opened (there is no separate ulimate parts shop in the game).

level 14.5 - starts the final sequence of jobs, but you'll probably end up at level 15 to 18 before you complete career.

A list of all 187 events:

Re: Career unlock sequence

Posted: 28 Dec 2008, 15:43
by zedex
right now, i'm manually selecting OUTSIDE of jobs and doing all non-jobs i could before i take on any job... *with a bit of help from hacked file and trainer =b so i can win them without upgrades ... OR fully upgraded without unlocking them i mean* and trying to dominate ALL races before heading for jobs

so the "level" i'm not sure how it's affected... but i'm already lvl 10 and only "transporter" job is unlocked so far

Re: Career unlock sequence

Posted: 03 Jan 2009, 23:32
by jeffareid
All of the non job events can be dominated. There are only 5 jobs that can be dominated:

Palm Harbor Rally - sprint
Road Rage - highway battle
Rush Hour - highway battle
The Game - outrun
Tri City Tournament - circuit

The Prima Guide includes Rollercoaster - sprint, as a job that can be dominated, but this isn't true, at least not for the PC version.

Go to the GPS Map, click on jobs (or races), the ones in green are the ones you haven't dominated.

Re: Career unlock sequence

Posted: 21 Sep 2009, 23:03
by OutcastNeedhelp
Rush Hour - highway battle is glitch.I already beaten the event but it's not completed.