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POLL: members meet

Posted: 28 Jun 2009, 21:01
by TheStig
This is just a Poll to gather information and see how big the interest is to get a Meet started.

Basic plan:
Arrange a meeting for members,
But with that comes a big problem, because we got members from all over the world, so where ever you meet up not everyone will be able to go there, so a central location is the best option, but where ever it is located you can't please everyone.

In our humble opinion Europe is the best option, why?
- a lot of countries in a relative small space so no extreme travel times.
- is founded in Europe.
Places like the US and Austalia are great places to meet but sadly chances that many people can make it to the location are slim.

Next step where in Europe?
Well Germany and to be more specific:
The Nürburgring!
There are 1 million reasons why but the best are:
- It's pretty central in Europe so chances are that a lot of people can come over.
- We are a NFS site so a place that is all about speed, fast cars and racing is a must... and what better place then the Nürburgring.
- It will also be featured in the latest NFS game.
- A lot of our members are also big car fanatics so a trip to the Mekka of sportscars is always a good reason.

So what do you all think?
Go plan it or leave it?

Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 28 Jun 2009, 23:29
by boganbusman
I wanna go :cry:

Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 28 Jun 2009, 23:30
by xHaZxMaTx
I would love to take a trip overseas, especially to the Nurburgring, to meet some fellow NFSUnltd. peeps, though, unfortunately, I'd say the chances of me making such a trip are pretty slim. :/

Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 29 Jun 2009, 00:45
by vellu
A trip to Germany, is not beyond the realm of possibility for me. The timing would have to be at vacation time obviously since it would take atleast a week long trip.

Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 29 Jun 2009, 05:06
by Zero260
Psh, I wish. This is an awesome idea, but seems unlikely considering how spread apart everyone is... :(

Also, these poll options kinda suck. Wouldn't something like "Yes, I can go" and "No, I can't go" make more sense?

Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 29 Jun 2009, 05:41
by xHaZxMaTx
"I'd love to go, but can't."
"I'd love to go and can."
"I don't think it is a good idea."


Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 29 Jun 2009, 10:30
by Dr Houbenheimer
I reckon that it would be highly impractical for a meeting, in theory it would be awesome but I don't think that anyone would be able to come.

Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 29 Jun 2009, 18:10
by TheStig
A lot of people here are from all over the world and yes for members from Australia and the US/Canada etc it's not very likely they can make it, but what is the alternative?
Sidney? cause then some people from Australia can go but a lot even from down under can't make it there.
Same goes for the US or Canada, distances are also way bigger then in Europe,

The amount of members from Europe isn't very small and there are several regular members that are from Europe.
Sure it would be so much better if everyone could make it, but sadly that's not a option, there is no place where that can be done.
And we think that the biggest chance of success (in terms of amount of people) will be to have it in Europe.

I would love to go the Australia and if we would have it there I guess there won't be many people because chances are that a lot will live to far away.

Poll options will be changed, was also just for fun.

Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 29 Jun 2009, 19:02
by Bojan
Well in the end if it's just me and Stig doing laps on Nordschleife in his Celica, it's fine by me.
He is a driving instructor you know.

Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 29 Jun 2009, 23:32
by boganbusman
There is a lottery draw on tonight for $90million. If I win then I'll pay for everyone to go!

*crosses fingers*

Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 30 Jun 2009, 23:29
by Zero260
Our cars too?!

Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 01 Jul 2009, 09:55
by boganbusman
Yeah sure . . . but I wasn't one of the lucky two winners :cry:

Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 01 Jul 2009, 15:30
by Koenigsegg_Rox
Neither was I. Gawdammit...

I would SERIOUSLY love to go. But being 17 and still living with my dad, not to mention I live in a sh*t-hole down in South Australia means until I can get a better job and earn more dosh I doubt I'll EVER be able to go to the 'Ring.

Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 01 Jul 2009, 22:18
by korge
This would be cool, but it would have to happen in perhaps about 10 years. :P

Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 05 Jul 2009, 01:05
by Cpt.Razkit
Meet in Germany! I could actually use the 4 years of learning the German language.

Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 05 Jul 2009, 06:34
by Dr Houbenheimer
TheStig wrote:A lot of people here are from all over the world and yes for members from Australia and the US/Canada etc it's not very likely they can make it, but what is the alternative?
Sidney? cause then some people from Australia can go but a lot even from down under can't make it there.
Same goes for the US or Canada, distances are also way bigger then in Europe,

The amount of members from Europe isn't very small and there are several regular members that are from Europe.
Sure it would be so much better if everyone could make it, but sadly that's not a option, there is no place where that can be done.
And we think that the biggest chance of success (in terms of amount of people) will be to have it in Europe.

I would love to go the Australia and if we would have it there I guess there won't be many people because chances are that a lot will live to far away.

Poll options will be changed, was also just for fun.
I was just making a general comment that wherever it is I couldn't see that many people being able to make it but if people could then that's great. I totally agree with you that if it was in a place like Sydney then it would be even harder and that the location you've chosen is a good decision

Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 05 Jul 2009, 17:21
by Dragster
For starters perhaps some "official" local nfsunlimited meets should be organized... With lots of pictures and how was it, who did what and so on... and depending on how that goes, and how willing people are to come, organize a wordly meet...
I'd love to see all the aussie members on one picture... :D

Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 05 Jul 2009, 18:24
by jacoja06
I've always thought about a nfsunlimited meeting... it would be just awesome.
It's also always been a dream for me to go to the Nürburgring. Except will I be able to drive on it when I get there ? (considering you also need to be 25+ to hire a car... and other issues like that).
If the numbers are good for some sort of meeting there, and I can easily afford it... then I honestly might consider it.

Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 05 Jul 2009, 19:08
by Bojan
Well, there might be an unofficial meeting in Perth next february :)

Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 06 Jul 2009, 04:34
by Evil Kid Weaselmush
Great idea, I've always dreamed of such an event. Only one small problem... it'll never happen.

@Bojan... Perth? Isn't that in southern Australia? The 'ring would indeed be a far better location IMO. Not that I'd be able to make it there either, but maybe a few more other people might. The only way I could even possibly make it to one of these things is if we do it in the U.S. somewhere. There are at least as many Americans here as there are Aussies.

And don't forget the whole showroom population, much of which doesn't post here in the forums. There are a ton of Europeans as well as a lot of Americans. The only (or most of, at least ) Aussies in the showroom are the same ones we get in the forums.

Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 06 Jul 2009, 09:55
by boganbusman
lol @ Perth. I'm not driving across the whole friggin' country (over 3400km) in a stripped-out race car.

Actually, iirc jacoja sent his car there by train so maybe I could do that. Wonder how much it costs . . .

edit: for EKW


Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 06 Jul 2009, 14:08
by jacoja06
Yeah, it wasn't cheap... and it'll probably take the transportation company longer to get it to Perth then it would to ship it to England. They're completely useless...
Bojan wrote:Well, there might be an unofficial meeting in Perth next february :)
Ooh, That's a great idea :D . Are you planning on taking a visit next year?

Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 06 Jul 2009, 15:21
by Bojan
That's the plan and if all goes well I should be down in February. Now Morty says he's coming too so we'll have an official staff meeting :)

Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 06 Jul 2009, 16:00
by jacoja06
Wow, sounds excellent. :D I might invite myself to your staff meeting then.

Andre_online mentioned he was interested in visiting Perth, a while back. And I know GT will be there :P

Re: POLL: members meet

Posted: 06 Jul 2009, 21:44
by TheStig
I have plans for a long time to go down under, but there are 2 problems that don't mix very well, 1: if I go I want to go for a fairly long time and see more then just Perth and look at GT's Skyline :lol: but I doubt I can get 6 weeks or more off... :cry:

BTW we don't need a big group to make the Ring trip a success, like Bojan said 1 car and 2 people could already work :lol: