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vid cards

Posted: 08 Mar 2010, 01:09
by sgtskid
Can any one tell me what graphics card ea used to make shift. I want to get oen that is good enough to use but cant figure it out

Re: vid cards

Posted: 08 Mar 2010, 23:07
by ElvenAvenger
sgtskid wrote:Can any one tell me what graphics card ea used to make shift. I want to get oen that is good enough to use but cant figure it out
okay so, 9800 GT + a Q8200 run the game nicely at max details +1280x1024 75 HZ but that graphic card and processor combo simply wont do in ...i believe it might just manage to hold off until vacation when nearly no games come out. Shift runs PhysX on CPU so a good processor also plays a big role in running the game good. for a better card, a HD 4870 would probably do good, but if you have the money and can find it i guess a HD 5870 will be enough for now and the time to come.

oh, and dont forget to wait for more replies, im not THAT much of a pro if it comes to graphics card choice, i just tell what i experienced/saw on various forums with people who actually had the cards and tried the game.

Re: vid cards

Posted: 13 Mar 2010, 00:19
by Hydro_PT
A good graphics card alone won't make your games run well. Tell us your CPU type (single core, dual core, etc) and speed, amount of RAM and your operating system. That should be enough...

My 9600GT has no problems maxing out SHIFT at 1280 x 1024, but that card is old nowadays, you shouldn't get it. At the very least, get a 9800GT.

"Can any one tell me what graphics card ea used to make shift." - That nobody knows... but I'm sure they use the best there is on the market...

Re: vid cards

Posted: 14 Mar 2010, 23:02
by ElvenAvenger
Hydro_PT wrote:A good graphics card alone won't make your games run well. Tell us your CPU type (single core, dual core, etc) and speed, amount of RAM and your operating system. That should be enough...

My 9600GT has no problems maxing out SHIFT at 1280 x 1024, but that card is old nowadays, you shouldn't get it. At the very least, get a 9800GT.

"Can any one tell me what graphics card ea used to make shift." - That nobody knows... but I'm sure they use the best there is on the market...
exactly. now a 9600 GT is doing quite good but thats a month or two. 9800GT will last a bit longer but i doubt its going to be more than a few months.
9800GT now is like 8800GT was back then. quite cheap, and still allowing to play most games well, but not the Crysis maxing card type.

Re: vid cards

Posted: 14 Mar 2010, 23:16
by Hydro_PT
The 9600GT is good to buy only if you're really low on money and need a graphics card badly. Other than that, I don't recommend getting one, even if it can run current games at very good settings. I can even max out some games that are being released now or are just a few months old (in DX 9). But yeah, it's getting old, I will probably replace it by the end of this year, along with the RAM and a new power supply. Oh and maybe a new motherboard. Dammit lol. :|

Re: vid cards

Posted: 15 Mar 2010, 19:14
by ElvenAvenger
Hydro_PT wrote:The 9600GT is good to buy only if you're really low on money and need a graphics card badly. Other than that, I don't recommend getting one, even if it can run current games at very good settings. I can even max out some games that are being released now or are just a few months old (in DX 9). But yeah, it's getting old, I will probably replace it by the end of this year, along with the RAM and a new power supply. Oh and maybe a new motherboard. Dammit lol. :|
"planning" that too. but its going to be a bit longer since i want to buy some good core I7, and that requires new motherboard, ddr3 ram, and while at it ill most likely get either a 200 series GeForce or if they arent TOO expensive, the new GeForces that are coming, but thats doubtful. basically a whole new PC, maybe a new case because of the graphics will be needed...and a power supply.. meh :( whole new PC basically. and i need a bigger Hard drive badly, running 160 GB for 3.5 years already.

Re: vid cards

Posted: 15 Mar 2010, 19:42
by Hydro_PT
That's the problem when buying new things for your PC lol. You want to replace just one thing and suddenly you find out that you have to replace another thing, and that leads to another, and another. When you notice, you need to replace the entire PC.

If I want a better graphics card, I just need to get a new power supply, so that's not a big problem. RAM isn't a problem either, my motheboard supports both DDR2 and DDR3, I just need to sell the DDR2 I have and buy 4GB DDR3. My CPU is pretty good atm, so no problems with that. Besides, changing the CPU would require a new motherboard.

My case is fine, just got a few months ago a really good case, pretty big, nice air flow and great construction, pretty solid. I don't need to worry about that for a long, long time. My HD is fine too, 320GB (SATA II) is more than enough for me, and I also have a 500GB IDE that works as an external disk (via USB), great to store all data I have (documents, games, movies, music, etc.).

Re: vid cards

Posted: 16 Mar 2010, 16:35
by ElvenAvenger
Hydro_PT wrote:That's the problem when buying new things for your PC lol. You want to replace just one thing and suddenly you find out that you have to replace another thing, and that leads to another, and another. When you notice, you need to replace the entire PC.

If I want a better graphics card, I just need to get a new power supply, so that's not a big problem. RAM isn't a problem either, my motheboard supports both DDR2 and DDR3, I just need to sell the DDR2 I have and buy 4GB DDR3. My CPU is pretty good atm, so no problems with that. Besides, changing the CPU would require a new motherboard.

My case is fine, just got a few months ago a really good case, pretty big, nice air flow and great construction, pretty solid. I don't need to worry about that for a long, long time. My HD is fine too, 320GB (SATA II) is more than enough for me, and I also have a 500GB IDE that works as an external disk (via USB), great to store all data I have (documents, games, movies, music, etc.).
i was thinking about a GTX 280(probably Zotac) but i dont know how long it will last, i dont want to complain that games are not smooth enough after a year. it absolutely has to be enough for atleast 2 years. with that said, i have 9800 GT for 1.5 years already, and the money does not seem to come closer as fast as 2 year limit does.
also 160 GB sux when i play games as big as GTA 4, and that means 60 on C drive and 100 on D drive(yes, installing steam on C was very, very stupid.)

question, does this case have good air flow?(i have it right now, just that its black so it doesnt look so funny like on this pic)

Re: vid cards

Posted: 30 Mar 2010, 16:18
by Kaerar
Current GTX range are already out of date. Basically they should have been replaced at Christmas but nVidia are having issues with Femi (GTX470 and 480). It's not as fast as they want and barely able to beat the current crop of ATI's. Plus the price tag for them is going to be large again.

I'd go 5850 for value and 5870 for speed. If you have money 5970 is a waste as the 5990 is about to come and blitz the new nVidia's.

BTW am not a Radeon fanboy, I take what's best value/speed at the time ;)

Re: vid cards

Posted: 07 Apr 2010, 21:35
by ElvenAvenger
Kaerar wrote:Current GTX range are already out of date. Basically they should have been replaced at Christmas but nVidia are having issues with Femi (GTX470 and 480). It's not as fast as they want and barely able to beat the current crop of ATI's. Plus the price tag for them is going to be large again.

I'd go 5850 for value and 5870 for speed. If you have money 5970 is a waste as the 5990 is about to come and blitz the new nVidia's.

BTW am not a Radeon fanboy, I take what's best value/speed at the time ;)
that i will most likely do, by the time i will upgrade, think somewhere around half a month before Christmas, prices of 5870 will drop a bit and ill get it. Fermi basically failed, it seems to be more expensive than Radeon cards of similar performance now, still gets beat by some of the best Radeons if i recall correctly, heats up a bit more, etc...hopefully 500 GTX series (if they will be there) will be better quality than 400 for now. i guess a 5870 and a good core i7 + any good DDR3 4GB of ram will do the trick.