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A newbie here who just got a copy...

Posted: 30 Mar 2011, 04:50
by Rossriders
But I've yet to open it. I've been unsure if I should have gotten this or not for the PC (not that I have the option for a PS3 or 360 anyway), but it was on sale and it's the limited edition, I may keep it regardless but I'm just curious to how others have delt with it on the PC.

I'm aware that for the most part, excluding 3 additional cars there isn't going to be DLC for the PC until otherwise (I may not care for it anyway unless it's free), and then there's possible autolog issues and whatnot.

But I guess the simple question is given my current computer specs (a laptop with an AMD Athlon II P320 dual core processor at 2.10 Ghz, 3.00 memory Ram running on the 64bit version of Windows 7), and since a demo isn't an option, I'm wondering if I should even bother even if I had a more powerful computer or if I could return this and get my money back.

I'm just curious to what anyone else thinks.

And that's about it for now, until later.

Re: A newbie here who just got a copy...

Posted: 30 Mar 2011, 19:15
by vellu
The CPU and RAM are ok, but what you/we really need to know is the graphics capability of the laptop. It pretty much needs to be discreet in order to run the game properly (or even, at all). Any idea what that might be? If unsure, post the exact make and model of the laptop.

Re: A newbie here who just got a copy...

Posted: 30 Mar 2011, 20:12
by Rossriders
It's a compaq Prescario CQ62-225NR notebook, as for the games, it varies.

Far Cry - No real issues even on higher settings
Race Driver GRID - mid to higher settings typically bring the game to a standstill, so I go for low to medium settings in general for a better framerate during gameplay.
GTA III - No real issues
GTA SA - some slowdown in some regions, and I've had a few crashes.
Kane and Lynch 1 and 2 - at least with their demos, even on lower settings, I've got slowdown and some serious cases of lag.
GTA IV - not even going to bother if computers that ran Crysis had issues but that's a longer rant for a different time.

Hope that helps.

Re: A newbie here who just got a copy...

Posted: 30 Mar 2011, 21:39
by ElvenAvenger
Rossriders wrote:It's a compaq Prescario CQ62-225NR notebook, as for the games, it varies.

Far Cry - No real issues even on higher settings
Race Driver GRID - mid to higher settings typically bring the game to a standstill, so I go for low to medium settings in general for a better framerate during gameplay.
GTA III - No real issues
GTA SA - some slowdown in some regions, and I've had a few crashes.
Kane and Lynch 1 and 2 - at least with their demos, even on lower settings, I've got slowdown and some serious cases of lag.
GTA IV - not even going to bother if computers that ran Crysis had issues but that's a longer rant for a different time.

Hope that helps.
Hehe, GTA 4 is a random game. Some people run it well on 'bad' machines, some people have problems on their monstrous rigs with Core i7's crossfire 5800 series cards etc....

Re: A newbie here who just got a copy...

Posted: 31 Mar 2011, 19:32
by vellu
GRID is propably the closest reference to HP. Expect similar or worse performance.

Re: A newbie here who just got a copy...

Posted: 31 Mar 2011, 20:26
by Hydro_PT
If you cold try Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box, I think that game would give you the best hint as how Hot Pursuit will run. It was made by the same company (Criterion), it's the same genre and it is well optimized. Hot Pursuit, in my opinion, is similar when it comes to the game engine, as the engine used is an evolution of the one used in Burnout. The optimization, though not as good, is still ok. ;)

If you can run Burnout, I'm pretty sure you will run Hot Pursuit ok. Just don't expect maximum graphics, of course.

Re: A newbie here who just got a copy...

Posted: 01 Apr 2011, 15:40
by Rossriders
Well the advise has been helpful, and it's funny how around the same time I thought about the Trial edition for Burnout Paradise was when you (hydro) brought it up, I forgot that was still an option. Thanks for pointing out it anyway since even as I write this, I'm setting that up and seeing how it'll run.

I guess I forgot about paradise due to time and money restrictions, that and the fact at the time I didn't have a computer then and I'm still not sure now.

I'll find out soon enough, I hope.

I guess the other question is a matter of, is there a limit to how many times you can ever install this game onto a computer, since if I do decide to keep this, there may be a chance I'll be on more than one machine in the unforseeable future, and I don't want to suddenly find myself limited in that option.

That and can the controls be customized. It may be obvious since it's the PC platform but I'm not going to assume.

I'll mention how it'll go soon enough, later.

and it keeps crashing so far...not a good sign :(

Re: A newbie here who just got a copy...

Posted: 08 Apr 2011, 15:43
by Rossriders
Sorry for the double post but I wasn't sure if I wanted to open a 2nd thread regarding the game. I got tired of waiting so I decided to give it a go.

The game runs, but the problem is even on the lowest settings, there are times that the frame-rate comes to a crawl which is at times a mood-killer. It's an otherwise interesting and if I may say, fun game.

Any suggestions on how to try and make the game run a little smoother apart from 'lower the detail settings' since everything is at the lowest settings?

Re: A newbie here who just got a copy...

Posted: 23 Apr 2011, 08:38
by xturbo
The problem is that your video card is in a shared mode: I guess it has 256MB but when the dedicated limit is reached, it starts to take space from the RAM itself. Probably your RAM requirement is being exceeded, thus taking then space from the HDD as a "virtual" one creating the problem you describe (when system doesn't have the enough resources, BSOD's, crashes and hangs start to appear)

I'd strongly advice to upgrade to at least 4GB o more in your laptop if you can. I have an Acer 4535 and NFS HP was running choppy until I installed another gig of memory (4GB total). I was using Win 7 64bits as well, and with the extra gig, the perfomance issues dropped inmediately, or had some minor stuttering but nothing like you say.

Hope you can resolve your problem ;)