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Massive bug on ps3

Posted: 22 Dec 2012, 02:10
by CivicJay21
when you go really fast, the game cant keep up and i end up driving into a street where only a few objects have loaded and i drive over nothing basically and then fall through randomly and keep falling until respawned, very annoying glitch anyone else experience this? btw it might be my ps3 since its 6 years old

Re: Massive bug on ps3

Posted: 22 Dec 2012, 06:05
by junior6at
This has been known for some time. It's what I believe to be the most ugliest and frustrating issue this game has. I have a super slim PS3 and this occurs regularly. From what I've read, the digital version doesn't suffer that badly from this or from the other bugs the physical copy is plagued with.

Re: Massive bug on ps3

Posted: 22 Dec 2012, 18:56
by CivicJay21
so theres no or never going to be a fix for it? this also used to happen on nfs undercover

Re: Massive bug on ps3

Posted: 23 Dec 2012, 08:03
by BluePhirePB
Hmm, I've never had that happen before. I'm playing it on the PS3 Slim (first slim). Is this unique to the new slim only?

Re: Massive bug on ps3

Posted: 23 Dec 2012, 16:59
by GT3x24x7
It happens because the console can't load the world from the disc fast enough. That's why the download version doesn't have the same problem, since the game is loaded on the HDD which reads faster.

Re: Massive bug on ps3

Posted: 24 Dec 2012, 01:02
by Phantom_pain33
GT3x24x7 wrote:It happens because the console can't load the world from the disc fast enough. That's why the download version doesn't have the same problem, since the game is loaded on the HDD which reads faster.
I really missed the days of the Nintendo and super Nintendo even the 32 and 128 bit era..where consoles were durable built to last no freezing problems or yellow light..very unusual seems instead of technology becoming more stronger its getting weaker, computers,printers,consoles,phones everything its done with a time limit and the only ones benefiting its the big companies.i'm really doubtful about buying the next gen systems(ps4,xbox720,..)

Re: Massive bug on ps3

Posted: 24 Dec 2012, 23:36
by CivicJay21
is it possible for the developers to add a download to hdd option like black ops 2 and gta 4 can? maybe not the whole game but atleast the world so it doesnt do this

Re: Massive bug on ps3

Posted: 25 Dec 2012, 03:40
by GT3x24x7
Seems to me that should be pretty easy for them to do in a patch. After all the download version already runs from HDD.

Re: Massive bug on ps3

Posted: 01 Mar 2013, 03:58
by kilenem09
Phantom_pain33 wrote:
GT3x24x7 wrote:It happens because the console can't load the world from the disc fast enough. That's why the download version doesn't have the same problem, since the game is loaded on the HDD which reads faster.
I really missed the days of the Nintendo and super Nintendo even the 32 and 128 bit era..where consoles were durable built to last no freezing problems or yellow light..very unusual seems instead of technology becoming more stronger its getting weaker, computers,printers,consoles,phones everything its done with a time limit and the only ones benefiting its the big companies.i'm really doubtful about buying the next gen systems(ps4,xbox720,..)
Thats on purpose

Re: Massive bug on ps3

Posted: 17 Jun 2014, 13:17
by papaigergo
I cant found on MY PS3.
I can even drive 450 kph without that glitch.
And I NOT downloaded it =D>