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FIFA 15 Demo Impressions

Posted: 12 Sep 2014, 10:46
by darrenwilcock
FIFA 15 Coins demo has released on PS4, Xbox one, Xbox 360, PC and PS3 already. Many of FIFA fans have ordered it and played it. After playing, I couldn’t be more excited about its official release on the 26th of this month. EA has taken things to another level with FIFA 15, making it one of the best works to come out. And I have listed the pros and cons of the demo.

Pros: better passing and movement; skills and dribbling;more realistic experience.

In FIFA 14, the movement of players seemed somewhat restricted and tough. But all of that has been changed in FIFA 15. The movements of players are more fluid and realistic. The controls don’t feel restrictive and movement becomes easier in the game, allowing us to do so much more.

EA has also put in a lot of work for in skills and dribbling in the game. Players can now do more impressive tricks and manoeuvre through defences with better dribbling abilities.

What really impressed me about the demo was how realistic and up to date everything was. The commentators pipe in the latest of happenings in the football world and have a variety of sentences and phrases they use. The stadiums are much livelier with fans, singing and cheering their team with a multitude of chants and songs, groaning at missed shots and screaming at goals. Another really enjoyable bit is the emotions expressed by the player themselves.

Something that frustrated me was the amount of times we were denied in front of the goal, no matter how good the build-up or the shot. Scoring a goal is pretty difficult in FIFA 15. The goalkeepers are too brilliant.

The accuracy and precision of your shot is harder to line up than before, with long shots flying wide from the posts. Even the higher rated players have a tough time.

The game feels scripted when you keep winning and losing in patterns. During certain phases of the game, you end up on winning streaks, defeating one team after the other and sometimes, even with the best team, it’s hard to get a win.

Above all, FIFA 15 reflected from the demo is one of the best of FIFA games. You can have a brand new experience with all the new features. But every coin has two side, so does the FIFA 15. There are still somethings that frustrate me. However, I’m still looking forward to its release.

Re: FIFA 15 Demo Impressions

Posted: 17 Sep 2014, 08:59
by shimibgdron
EA has released the FIFA 15 Coins demo on Xbox one, PlayStation 4, PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 on September 9/10. Many of FIFA fans have ordered it and played it.