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Posted: 18 Nov 2006, 23:29
by BKize_GT
Here's a tut by me on CF, it might help some of you....


Posted: 05 Dec 2006, 22:24
by 2fast4Ux2
i posted my chop on another site and some one said "you have a good style ur cf looks real EXCEPT u have to lower the saturation and also on ur vinyl u have to add more fuzziness in the adjustments cause it looks to flat" how do i do this fuzziness deal???

Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 06:14
by krazyammo
is there a tutuorial that can help make good sigs?

Posted: 19 Dec 2006, 21:32
by Tyrant
BKize_GT wrote:Here's a tut by me on CF, it might help some of you....

I'm a realy noob to PS, but I'm really eager to learn. I desaturated the hood, but the part of transforming the carbon fibre texture on the hood.. I don't get that! Could you explain the a bit more? Do I need to open the carbon jpg seperately?

Posted: 05 Feb 2007, 04:31
by BKize_GT
Open the carbon jpg separately, then drag the layer onto your picture. After that push CTRL-T and transform it to fit

(sorry for long time response, never checked this thread :P )


Posted: 12 Feb 2007, 02:00
by Mr.X

Posted: 12 Feb 2007, 06:42
by McLaren_dude
what if one chooses to use or has THE GIMPSHOP instead of ADOBE PHOTOSHOP

Posted: 10 Mar 2007, 20:11
by Tyrant
Hey, I need some class on making custom brushed vents and bumpers! I have problems with the Pen Tool. If anyone got a good site, thanks.

Posted: 07 Apr 2007, 00:18
by snoopdogg879
Here is a link to a place where u can get some good tutorials from:

Posted: 12 Jun 2007, 17:24
by Ludford
whats Paint shop pros equivalent to Edit > define patern?

I want to save a pattern so I can make a CF hood.

Posted: 12 Jun 2007, 18:28
by prince1142003
I got this directly from Google:
To use an image as a pattern, save it in the program "Patterns" folder (the path looks like C:\Program Files\Corel\Corel Paint Shop Pro X\Patterns\)
Got it from here, should help you more in the future.

Posted: 12 Jun 2007, 22:17
by Jopuma
Basic Signature Tut (Photoshop only)

Here is my tutorial for making sigs that look like this.


First start your document with the desired size with a white background.

Open an image you want to use and carefully select it with the polygonal lasso tool.

Once you've finished selecting your image copy it and close that window. Then go to your signature window and paste it in.

Then duplicate the image several times (10 or 12 should do fine) and position the images so none of the white background layer shows through. Make sure you leave Layer 1 intact and turn it off.

With your images in place go to Filter -> Blur -> Motion Blur and enter the desired angle to compliment the direction of the scan you put into the image. Then set the blur length somewhere around 20-40 and click ok.

Now create a new layer and go to Image -> Apply Image and click ok. Now with this new layer still selected go to Filter -> Distort -> Ripple and set the amount to 500% and on leave it on Medium.

Then find a blending mode that looks good (I usually use Overlay) and play around with the opacity and fill settings and erase bits that don't look right.

(Eraser Photoshop CS2 only)
I find it best to use a random look with the eraser so it doesn't look so....bleh. Get your eraser and click the small arrow to bring up the brush window, then click the small triangle in the brush window and go to Reset Brushes. Afterwards scroll down and select the chalk brush. Then go over to the "Brushes" tab on the top right of the Photoshop window. Open it and adjust the settings in there to get a nice random look and then continue with erasing pieces of your signature.

(back to where we were)
Repeat the last step but use different Distort options or use go to the Brush Strokes section. Just play around until you get a nice effect that looks good and you're happy with.

Next get out a nice vintage brush or a tech brush or vector brush and choose two colors from your scan.

Select the darker color and brush in some designs on either side of your signature then set it to Soft Light or Overlay. Then get the lighter color and use a different vintage/tech/vector brush set and brush a couple more patterns on either side. Then set to Overlay or Soft Light like the last one.

If you don't get the desired effect there's always the history window to go back and and do something different. Play around with blending effects. Add gradient maps and so on until you get something that make YOU happy.

For a nice touch create a new layer and ctrl+a. Then go to Edit -> Stroke and set it to 1px, Inside, Black and click ok.

Have fun photoshopping. :D


Posted: 12 Jun 2007, 23:09
by xHaZxMaTx
I'll be sure to try this out next time I make a sig. :) Thanks.

Posted: 12 Jun 2007, 23:11
by Black Fire
BKize_GT wrote:Here's a tut by me on CF, it might help some of you....

Does eveyone say Dude on the forum?

Posted: 13 Jun 2007, 01:21
by Glopaticki
Does anyone know where i can find a tut or pattern to make a honeycomb grille?


Posted: 13 Jun 2007, 21:10
by xHaZxMaTx
I tried your tutorial, Jop, and it didn't really come out the way I was expecting it to, still good, though. Maybe you should include screenshots in your tutorial.

Posted: 20 Jun 2007, 17:19
by Jopuma
xHaZxMaTx wrote:I tried your tutorial, Jop, and it didn't really come out the way I was expecting it to, still good, though. Maybe you should include screenshots in your tutorial.
I got a pictoral tutorial done. Should help.

Posted: 20 Jun 2007, 17:54
by ahmad0410
Man Jop. You inspired me to do one too. >.<

Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 04:25
by BKize_GT
Oooold tut I made on scanlines

First we open the image we want to apply scanlines to in Photoshop

Now we make a new document, 3x3 Pixels

Zoom in all the way and grab the Pencil Tool and make 3 diagonal squares

Then you go to Edit>Define Pattern and save it as "Scanlines"

Now we go back to image, go to "Add a Layer Style" (little black button with an F on it), and choose "Pattern Overlay". Then from the drop down menu select the pattern you just made (Do this to all layers neccesary)

Final Result:

Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 06:17
by Jopuma
VV The product of my tutorial is below. VV

Btw nice scanline tutorial BKize. :D

Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 07:25
by harmv1234
how do u color a car? not the original way of lasso tool, paint bucket it then multiply.

Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 08:14
by weedman173
You select the car body with the polygon lasso, the deselect things like windows,hood vents, lights, indicators, reflectors ect. Then you desaturate the selection making it black and white, the you can mess around with the hue/saturation. There aren't really any other ways of coloring a car. You could make a new layer over the whole picture and then delete the layer everywhere but the cars body. But that way really only works with white or silver cars.

@Jopuma: Very good tutorial and the result looks really good.

Posted: 23 Jun 2007, 16:16
by Jana
@jopuma: i got to try to make that kinda of sig. TNX! :P

Posted: 23 Jun 2007, 20:42
by Carcrazy
harmv1234 wrote:how do u color a car? not the original way of lasso tool, paint bucket it then multiply.
Or do it the "Gimp Way"

Duplicate the layer, change the Hue/Sanitation of the new layer and erase out the parts you don't want colored... the unfortunatly takes a long time because you have to erase the background... Unless you only select a limited amount of the layer. :wink:

Posted: 27 Jun 2007, 04:01
by Driv2Slow
Jopuma wrote:
xHaZxMaTx wrote:I tried your tutorial, Jop, and it didn't really come out the way I was expecting it to, still good, though. Maybe you should include screenshots in your tutorial.
I got a pictoral tutorial done. Should help.
I messed up on something but Im not sure what :( Right after I do the feather it says CTRL+I and the delete key but when I hit the delete key it deletes almost the entire car so I can barely see anything of it :/