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Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 03:38
by Stuntin
i know some people got the same problem but, my specs are way over the ones required, the game runs and all cept, the graphics look like they from 97 or sumtin, i went to visual options and changed the resolution and detail, but, they still aint that sharp, does anyone know how to make the graphics sharp but not lag like crazy, id appreciaite it

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 03:59
by relja55
please write you computer specs

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 04:00
by kingone
whats your comp specs? what kind of graphics card?

if you dunno your graphics card, click start/run and type in dxdiag and whenever the thing pops up, click on display and itll tell your graphics card, and under the system tab itll tell ur specs of the comp (some what)

I think its your graphics card though..

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 04:01
by Stuntin
my graphics card is a ATI 8500, and i called tech suport and they uploaded it to work better, still dont look sharp though

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 04:03
by kingone
did you try updating your graphics card drivers? perhaps try the omega drivers.. suppose to help some what...

still whats ur computer specs.. but anyhoo how old is your graphics card, never heard of that lately.. alot of new cards out n i got the ATI Radeon X800 Card and my game runs sharp.

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 04:03
by relja55
maybe drivers or direct x, try something

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 04:05
by Stuntin
its a Radeon 8500 and i dont got my comp specs ill go get em though, but i saw everything checked off when i checked em, i changed the resolution to 1028x768 or sumtin and the detail level a lil, but it still aint good lookin like the screen shots

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 04:08
by kingone

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 04:08
by Stuntin
Im also wonderin if u guys had to change the resolution or detail to make it look good

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 04:09
by Stuntin
mine dont llok like that, the cars look like tekken graphics, not as bad but, like, squares on top of eachother, not smooth lines

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 04:11
by kingone
mine is on 1024 x i forgot the other and it seems to help, i didnt do anything else, just set the screen resoultion.. my screen on my desktop is on as 1280 x 1024 and i tuned it to 1024 and it seems to work..

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 04:12
by relja55
whell can you make a screenshot so we can see it???

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 04:13
by Stuntin
u dint change the detail level, jus the resolution, cuz that shiznit is tight, mine looks so bad, it pisses me off because my specs and shiznit is all checked green and way beyond the requirments

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 04:14
by Stuntin
how do i make a screenshot

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 04:15
by kingone


no i didnt change anything else, Just the Screen Res, It should work but Im pretty sure it might be your graphics card. Is ur pc a P3-4 or Athlon?

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 04:16
by kingone
start game.. press print screen (next to f12) and open a paint program and resize it to 850 or so and save it as a jpg.. and upload it to a photo host.. and use the url addy of the screenshot.

or read the faqs, alot of simple steps to do it

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 04:17
by Stuntin
o fo sho, hold up

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 04:18
by relja55
creating screenshot
in game
press Prtsc

key on your keyborad and paste picture in paint, after that upload it here

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 04:23
by Stuntin
right here,

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 04:24
by Stuntin
damn how do i put it in the post

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 04:29
by kingone
do you have it hosted yet? like on a free photosite such as

and copy the url of the pic that is on the server.. and

put it under the img bracket..

or do what he said vvvv probably easiest way to do it.

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 04:30
by relja55
before you press submit you have atachment
simply add a atmachment (your picture) in post and thats it

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 04:30
by Stuntin

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 04:31
by kingone
dont forget the last image bracket as [/img] then ur all set but u need the correct url of the pic that is on any pic site

Posted: 23 Nov 2004, 04:32
by Stuntin
It dont show up when i attach it[/url]