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New to the Editing World Of NFS

Posted: 04 Dec 2003, 15:34
by Om3n-PL
ok, what program do most editors for the game use to make new models. And are there any great tutorial sites that can help me when im doing this for the first time?!

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 16:51
by Om3n-PL
so................. is this thread still alive or what, what program should i use for editing on nfs. thx a whole lot, and please reply

Posted: 06 Dec 2003, 01:48
by viper_gts
there's a few programs you could use, but i would say zmodeler is one of the easiest. you can get zmodeler from Here

as for tutorials you can get the best tutorial available from Oleg.M Here

Posted: 06 Dec 2003, 06:16
by Om3n-PL
ok thx dude hope to bring you all some great models!