Free Roam Online Confirmed!!!!!!!!!

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Post by Bojan »

Summ wrote:boby .. jk2 was COSY as hell, and had a comunity like no other. I miss those times tremendously. Sadly my clanboys have left it, along with 98% of the comunity I loved .. for jka, which by the way, now has turned into a german whorehouse (no offense for the germans). Jk2 endured long enough to have several behavioral mutations. From the hack and slash boring FFA mode to the more civilized, where ppl sat down and LET others play, watched, lured tricks, studied the opponents, commented and took them on again, civilized. Sorry if you don't like it that way. I find it way more attractive than .. say UT, where you know you'll die in 0.5 seconds, respawn, and get headshot as soon as you respawn ... great! wait another 2 seconds, respawn .. SPLAT! Well now .. I guess they painted the wall with my guts .. again .. weeeeeeeee. Sorry, I'm not for mindless action, nor were the guys who still played jk2 on serious servers, like wireplay.
For me the what you call "civilized" way ruined the game. When I was playing jk2 in a clan I had a lot of fun as we kept playing ctf_bespin saber only, full force. It was a game filled with adrenaline. Then with all the servers with ja mod or vulcanus, pure FFA just disappeared. The "civilized" game was good for a while, but when I 100% mastered the saber and knew all the tricks it became old as dueling same ppl and waiting for the #!$#!% duel just wasn't fun. I installed jk2 a while ago, and joined the first populated ffa server... What happened? Same as always... chatboxes everywhere. No ppl dueling... Took me at least 5min to find a dueling partner. I still wonder why the dueling gametype exists... At least there you get to be rewarded if you're good :roll:
JK2 was good untill there were populated team gameplay servers. But unfortunatly nobody wants to play that, so they soon disappeared. Ppl rather talk than play the #"%"#%" game.

JKJA was good untill we all found out what crap it really is. Fortunatly it didn't have as much "civilized" servers (wireplay, where I played mostly, was pure FFA).
And yes, after JKJA I bought UT2004. And there I only play with instagib mutator. Enter the game, shoot, dodge... Pure action. No waiting in line.

And I really hope NFSU2 won't turn into the crap waiting because ppl rather chat than play the game.

Wanna chat? Go install mIRC and join Quakenet. Same useless discussions, only you're not polluting the server.
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Post by Inferno »

bobyx wrote:Then with all the servers with ja mod or vulcanus, pure FFA just disappeared.
Which was most of the servers.
JA Mod was never meant to be public release, it was designed to be used on the Jedi Academy servers as a training tool. People just bugged C1 about it so much he gave in. :evil:
What JK2 and JKJA became are just proof that gamers aren't what they were, they don't game.

UT2K4 is one of the only "pure" games out there, and I've already seen various forms of "team play" on FFA servers, it's one thing to go on a public with a few friends and have some good old fashion gibbing fun, but to purposefully go on to a Free For ALL server and work together is just annoying. I've even seen people standing around and chatting in iBR and iCTF servers, but they usually get removed by an admin because they're not actually playing. AND another thing, if you have to go AFK to eat, DISCONNECT, just don't stand in a corner with a chat dialogue up for half an hour and complain when you come back and find yourself killed, you're taking up a slot that could, SHOULD be used by someone actually willing to play the game.

I was going to get NFSU2 on the GCN, but I'm seriously considering the PC version for the online mode simply so I can have a few races with bobyx, that and it has more "fun" options, such as design, trading etc....
BUT if free roam does indeed turn into something like a GUI, instead of a fast, frantic race were you have almost complete control on which way to go (Which it should be imo) then this isn't even worthy of a demo install.

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Post by Summ »

Evrybody his taste. Personally I loved jk2 for the fact you could walk Bespin streets for the full length of it, without needing to fear you might actually be slaughtered from behind. I loved being able to get around, meet ppl, explore, have duels. It was great. I got online with jk2 to make friends, and guess what ... like it or not half my msn list of best friends are indeed from my previous clans. A great bunch of fellas.
Again, we preferred less chaos, rules, admins and doing what we wanted, instead of what we were "supposed to do". we hung around on our own servers and on wireplay. One of the few places you wouldn't get lamed your rear off the second you stepped into the server. If you don't like the server, or the ppl on it .. CHANGE SERVER! It's as easy as that! You could just go to LOL Homebase, Legions Of Light, which we gently called Lots Of Lamers ... the right place for you guys wanting irrational action ....and adrenaline .. forgot that ;). If you wanted a real duel, with some serious saberists asking for a corner for themselves where to train in peace without being harassed by the first dork in their way .. you could knock on our door. That's the way it was. Jka never got to that level, but turned into a massive whorehouse the kind you'd have liked, so I'm pretty amazed you didn't stick to it boby ...
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Post by Bojan »

Ah yes, JKJA. It was fun for a while, the FFA servers were actually FFA, not the "civilized" servers. I played a lot of clanfights, especially 2vs2. But the quality of the game soon proved to be disastrous. Random damage, insta kills, buggy staff, noobs plagueing the servers with dual sabers, a big step back in sabering compared to jk2.

There was nothing like a JK2 5vs5 ctf_bespin or 4vs4 or 5vs5 TFFA full force saber only. Pure action packed with adrenaline (especially ctf_bespin) where skill and teamplay really matters. TBH I miss those times as it was a pretty nice game... IMO the community ruined the game (I'm not saying the people that played it were idiots). It's just that the mods and the "civilized" style turned the game into a chatroom. And for chatting I really prefer IRC to any game.
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Post by Summ »

Force was lame imo. It was fun for owning helpless stormies in sp, but never worked the right way in mp imo. We tend to get on no force or low force servers only. Not our style. I immagine though, that there were rules even in your team based ctf. Personally I never played ctf, nor any gamemodes with other weapons than saber. Around the time the game was dieing and even Wireplay got lame, me and my crew started hanging out on duelling servers indeed. Only wrong thing was no possibility to train, and having to wait a long time before duelling. Say what you want, but you got several more duels in a given timespace on an FFA server, than on a duelserver. Of course, once i stepped in, I hardly got out again. I remember a winning streak of some 30 or so, a solid hour of play or more without a single death. In jka it was reduced to 8-9, because of the lame damage, as you said yourself. That's what killed it for us as well, added to the chaos ... general idiocy level of ppl with which you couldn't actually have a real conversation ... and the total absence of rules ... honour ... code of conduct. I never DID get tired of jk2, so I can't say the game was spoiled at all. Imo it was perfect. And it was a mistake to leave it for jka. Other than that I look forward and hope to see another improved jedi knight game, hopefully ironing out the bugs of jka.
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Post by TheStig »

you lost me guys....
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Post by Summ »

lol .. true, this has gone far too off topic. Sorry Stig ;).
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Post by UrQuattro »

It was a fun read though ;)

I've played a demo of JKJA and it was pretty nice (not the case once you start playing it as far as I can tell from your comments)... So, in Star Wars what's the best modern thing than? ... crap... PM me or smth.. sorry for off topic-ing here.
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Post by Inferno »

UrQuattro wrote:So, in Star Wars what's the best modern thing than?
The movies. :roll:
Or until they at least release a decent SW game.

Personally I hope they integrate something along the lines of Q3's PunkBuster for this game, otherwise the online free roam mode will just take an instant nosedive in terms of gameplay value.

But that's just my opinion.
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