[CTC 16] - Touring Car Challenge Results Announced!

by baumaxx1 at 09:38 • Comment (1)Link to news article


Touring Car challenge is officially over, and of all the racing monsters in the competition the voters have chosen [url=http://www.nfsunlimited.net/showroom/entry/50073]zip_mdd's[/url] DTM ride, the professional "RS Series" as their favourite on 412 points.


In a very, very close second place was [url=http://www.nfsunlimited.net/showroom/entry/50006]ErikS883[/url] representing the SuperGT crowd with his very detailed and agressive Lexus on 411 points. [url=http://www.nfsunlimited.net/showroom/entry/50052]baumaxx1's[/url] extroverted Porsche followed one point behind in third place, rounding off an amazingly close top 3.



Congratulations to all who competed and had fun!

Complete results are available [url=http://www.nfsunlimited.net/srchallenge/Touring]here[/url].

It is yet to be decided when the next CTC will be run. One more is possible, but I (baumaxx1) will have to take a break as I need to focus on my studies, work, family and friends. Time is scarce with exams approaching.

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