T-Shirt Competition - Extended!

by TW1ST3R at 14:28 • Comment (1)Link to news article


The Entry Period for the Competition has been extended until the end of June! That means you now have just under another month (the end of June!) to enter or revise your entry for your chance to win your very own NFSUnlimited T-Shirt!

[url=http://forum.nfsunlimited.net/viewtopic.php?f=168&t=20919]Entry information is available here![/url]

As for the reason for the extension, Dr H and myself have been quite busy as of recent and haven't had as much time to run the challenge as we would have liked over the last few weeks, so we're giving you guys until we are on our half yearly break as to devote more of our time to this challenge and possibly another CTC or SRC!

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