Undercover Patch Q&A

by Bojan at 07:10 • Comment (1)Link to news article

There is a new Q&A session available on [url=http://www.needforspeed.com/portal/site/nfs/news/details/?contentId=1e27f52a7993f110VgnVCM100000100d2c0aRCRD®ion=CA&lang=en_CA]needforspeed.com[/url] where Need for Speed Undercover producer answered questions from fans regarding issues in Undercover and the upcoming patch(es).

Scott promises the first patch, which primarily fixes the framerate issues, in the second week of february and possible additional patches with DLC, including new cars later on.

You can read the full Q&A [url=http://www.needforspeed.com/portal/site/nfs/news/details/?contentId=1e27f52a7993f110VgnVCM100000100d2c0aRCRD®ion=CA&lang=en_CA]here[/url].

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